Okay, maybe I'm a cannibal

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"How are we going to get to the train in time?" I asked, almost out of breath. My back hurt and I was feeling dizzy from all the blood I was losing, but hey!... I've got nothing. I don't see any good side. Sorry.

"We're not." Nova replied with a voice deep in thoughts.

"What... but..."

"We're far away from the train. Theo is coming to get us but he isn't as fast as the Qalupalik to travel miles per minutes." She explained and sat me on the cold icy floor, noticing that I couldn't stand anymore. Without saying anything else she kneeled behind my back. With soft moves, she rolled my shirt up to see my back. The cold air made my body tremble and I really was considering dying from hypothermia.

"Who is Theo?" I asked, my voice getting weaker.

"It's short for Pantheon." I barely heard her answer as she whispered it.

I thought about Knox, and there was no sing of his thoughts in my mind. He wasn't replying to my shouts and I was mentally freaking out if he had drown or I don't know.

"Knox is fine." As she had heard my thoughts, Nova said. "He's just unconscious. The Qalupalik hit him in the head with her foot while trying to swim away, but Theo got him in the surface."

I nodded in understanding, feeling relief wash over my tensed body. And then I felt two soft fingers touching my wounds and I flinched, letting about a small cry. Nova ignored me. She took snow from the floor and used it to wash my body. Now I know I'm a crybaby but I don't usually like being one in front of anyone. I prefer to keep that little fact to myself, so I had to bite hard on my lower lip, hard enough to taste blood in my mouth, and stop myself from screaming like a little girl (like I usually do).

"Did I offend you?" It scared me how weak my voice had gotten. Am I dying? Way to go Angus. Go ahead and die just in the very beginning of the quest. Such a great hero.


"When I hugged you... did I offend you?"

For a moment there was silence and only the soft sound of her hands grabbing snow from the ground and placing it on my back were heard. Maybe she didn't hear me. I was about to say something when she let out a heavy breath.

"It's not like that." Why was she whispering? I can't talk without sounding like dying, but what's her excuse? "It's just..."

"You don't like being touched." Somehow I managed to murmur with an angry tone and I had no idea why was I angry. Maybe because I was stuck with Quinn Sunshine in an iceberg, in a quest that is more like a treasure hunt, where I have to play the hero I'm not and to don't mention the mighty Sky dork stuck in me and a whole population of Odds expecting me to be him. And I'm dying. It's this little detail too. Or at least these were the reasons I was trying to convince myself with. I knew there was something else... something probably that had to do with the Sky old dork in me.

"Who said that?" I was surprised by her annoyed voice. She literally spat at me.

"Aves did." Okay maybe I shouldn't have betrayed Aves like that, but our Sunshine here was pressing the snow a little harder on my back and I'm enough in pain already. I don't want to die faster than I already am.

"Jerk." I heard her murmur with anger, but after almost rubbing the snow against my back like she was doing the dishes, she just sighed and rolled my shirt down. "I think it's better if we two just talk less during the quest. The less, the better."

Huh? We're at insulting Aves. Where did that come from?

"I know I have punched you a couple of times, and you have thrown a couple of knives at me, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends." Okay that doesn't sound too convincing. And why in hell did I want to be friends with miss Quinn of Darkness? It's not like she likes me that much anyway. But there was this part of me, the part that had most of the time urges to punch in the face the Ancient dork in me, that wanted to rebel. I could feel him disagreeing with this, like me being friends with her would bring the end of the world. But he has no right to tell me what to do. He has no right to make me like himself. He can be in him, but I'm not Rodor.

Lies Of A Thousand Lives 【COMPLETED】Where stories live. Discover now