Chapter 3

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**856 words**

"One hour of exercise for the great day."

Yeah, but not today honey. You thought, switching from channel to channel on your TV, eating cereals and waiting for G. It's 7 AM now.
God who made me to wake up this early.

"Deserter from Seoul army-" switch, switch, switch...
The bell could be heard from the front door. Finally!

"GUUUURL YOU'RE HEEEEREEEE!" G said while bursting into your apartment and hugging you thightly.
"Yes, yes I'm heeeere!"

"I missed you so much!"
You smiled happily. "I missed you too G!"

"So how are you? How was in Croatia? I can see you lost weight from that day, are you okay now?"

"Geez G, I'll tell you everything, let's sit first, I pripared you your favorite milkshake. C'mon!" G smiled wildly and clapped with her hands.
"Great hh!"

"And maybe I lost weight, but I'm more fit because of the gym." She sighed heavily.

"Ah... So tell me everything."


"Will she come today?"
"G said she'll bring her to work, so yeah." said Jin to weirdly curious Jungkook who nodded.

"C'mon boys let's practiiice!" said excited Hoseok to boys.

Today they started one hour earlier so they can meet you. Nobody knows why are they so curious about you, maybe they think you'll be fun and good friend like Ivan, the difference is that you're a girl, duh.

But they can't forget Ivan's words: "Be careful she is hard person and very smart. Sometimes she's dangerous, she has a black belt after all, but she won't hurt you. Just so you know, if you hurt her that won't be good!".



"Yup, underages drink alcohol like it's normal, but if police caught you, you'll be in custody for one night and than your tutors need to pick you up."

"Wow, you probably partied often!" she laughed.
"Well, maybe, maybe not! Hey, I got you something."
She smiled excitedly while you pulled out the black little box.

"I got you this little seashell earrings with golden details on it. Seashells are taken out from Adriatic sea and they are unique."

"I like them, I like them a lot, thank you so much!" she squeeked.
"It's nothing." you smiled to her.

It's precious to have a friend like her. You really missed her. Her silly jokes, night outs, sleepovers, shopping, long talks, crying, smiling. You missed your sister.

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