Chapter 10

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**2627 words**

"So today you learned groin kick, throat jab and elbow hook. Now, let's repeat all self-defense that you learned this week." you told to BTS boys who were listening to your instructions.

It was the last day of a self-defense course and now they understand techniques. You were watching their moves and came to Jimin and Jungkook who were in pair. You saw that Jimin was struggling with the moves.

"Wait Jimin, you forgot." you separated them and turned to Jungkook.
"Grab me like you'll start to choke me." he nodded and you turned your back to him. It was self-defense from choking from behind.

"Now look."
Jungkook put his hands around your neck.
"So first you have to bend down to have a better balance, lower your head so he can't choke you easily and put your hands on his." you did what you said.
Jungkook felt your but on his thigh...

Control yourself Jungkook, he thought.

"Then with one leg you have to go behind the attacker and cross his stomach with your hand and push him with all force so he can fall down." you demonstrated it, but not too strong to fall.

"Oh, okay, now I get it. Thank you!" Jimin smiled.
"You're welcome."


"I hope you know something now and of course, that will never come to that you'll need to use it." you said while standing and waiting them to go home.

"We hope so too." Jin said.
"Thank you for giving us your time, you really helped us." Taehyung said.
You smiled and bowed a little.

"Yeah, thank you Y/N." Yoongi said with, is that a smile???, yeah.
"Tell us who was the best." Jimin said.
You looked at them with 'are you serious' look.

Obviously, it was Jungkook. He doesn't have for free that black belt in Taekwondo...

"Well, all of you were the same. I can't choose between." you smirked.
Jimin also smirked and nodded.
"See ya later. Bye!" you waved at them.



"Y/N, I want to thank you for your help. I'm sorry if they were tiring. I just want you to know that we all really appreciate what have you done for them." BangPD said to you over the phone.

"You're welcome! They weren't tiring at all. I am glad that I helped you!" you smiled. Not at all tiring...

"Oh, and I'll send you the money tommorow, is that a problem? Today I'm really busy." he added.
"It is a problem. I don't want any money. Don't send me anything. This was voluntary." you replied.

"No way, you deserve it." he protested.
"No, no, no. If you really want to send money, send money for charitable purposes. That's how you can pay me, it'll make me happy. I insist." you said.
"Ah, if you say so. Once again, thank you!" BangPD said.
"It really is nothing!" you replied.

BangPD ended the call and looked at Jungkook. He looked at him too with a smile. She has a golden heart.


"Thank you!" you said to Mark. He is new here as well and he'll be your assistant. He gave you new blocks of paper and various drawing accessories that you which you have ordered over the Internet. He looked at your eyes, bowed and went outside.

It is your fifth day of your work and it goes pretty well. You like it a lot. Your office is modern and spacious with a big work desk. Your associates are very friendly and kind, so you won't have problems with them.

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