Chapter 17

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**3749 words**


The guy was hidden behind some random car, but it was useless because you already knew where he was. Getting nothing in return you approached to the car where he was hiding. „Hello hello." You smirked to the guy who now stood frozen in place. „Nice camera." you said sarcastically looking at him. The guy immediately turned the camera off and put it in his bag. After that he went to grab something under his jacket. But that something he never found.

„Looking for this?" you took a pistol out of your trousers and showed it to him. You took it at the cinema which was the reason why you bumped into him in the first place. On the guys face was visible anger and fear, he didn't know what to do next. The first thought was to run away and you realized it.

„Don't tell me you will run away after realizing you don't have a weapon to protect yourself..." you made a pitiful face and threw the pistol far away from you two.
Jungkook was behind you watching the scene in front. He tried his best not to do anything. He trusted you and he knew you got this so he just stood there, breathing deeply to calm himself. It was strange that the guy didn't say anything at all, he looked like he didn't understand what you were speaking, or better say, he acted. You smirked and stood in a position of a boxer. „Come on, fight like a man." you challenged him.
He understood your intention and laughed in a sarcastic way as if you cannot beat him. His face slowly scrunched up in anger.

The guy rushed at you and with his balled fist reached to hit you but you parried on time and with your palm snapped up his nose, blood erupting. The guy stumbled back while holding his nose. You gave him some time to recover not wanting to beat him at the first try.
He quickly ran towards you attempting to hit you again. You sidestepped to the right just enough and before he could respond with a follow-up, you swiftly punched him in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of the man and stunning him for a brief moment. He was still open for more attacks though and you weren't done too.

The quick blow had opened him up for another attack and you obliged him, putting a simple sidekick into the guy's stomach, doubling him over. Not waiting a second you kicked him with a big force of your leg making him fall on the ground on his back. A loud groan escaped his lips as the pain from the attack started setting in. He looked up and his eyes opened with fear when you approached next to his lying body and put your foot on his neck.

You cockily looked at your nails with a satisfying smile. „You were an easy one if I may say..." Turning your gaze to him you pressed a little bit his neck, still allowing him to breath properly. „Now tell me, who sent you to follow me?" you asked him, telling the word 'me' on purpose.

He looked at you with pure fear, finally speaking out with a stutter. „N-Ne razumijem..." („I-I don't understand...")
Oh, now you realized why he didn't talk anything, he acted as if he don't know how to speak Korean so he spoke in Croatian, one more proof that he is Kai's man. To his misfortune you were very aware he understood you clearly.

You furrowed your brows and laughed on his sentence. Jungkook didn't understood a single shit he said making him think what the actual fuck was he saying. But you understood him very, very well.
"Don't make me foolish boy, I know very well that you know what I am talking. I'm waiting for your answer." you pierced him with your gaze.

He shriveled in atent to move away but that made him even more uncomfortable because you only pressed his neck more. „N-Ne." („N-No.") Okay, he really got on your nerves, if he won't say it in a good will, then he will be forced. You sighed deeply calming yourself and then taking your own gun that was under your clothes and aiming it at him, right on the center of his forehead.

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