Chapter 12

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**2940 words**

The sun was brightly shining through the window. You were lying on your stomach on the edge of the bed. You slowly started to awake, but still didn't wanted to open your eyes.

Considering that your hand was hanging down from the bed, you felt some tickeling on your skin. And it was annoying. It was like something was walking on your hand.

And no, it wasn't Jungkook's breathing. His head was leaning on your bed, he was in a deep sleep, his mouth was slightly open. You can imagine how cute he looked.

You groaned from frustration and finally managed to open your eyes. And when you did, right in front of your face was Jungkook's profile. You flinched from surprise, got up in a sitting position and recognised him.

"JUNGKOOK!" you screamed. He mumbled something not understandable and slowly moved his head towards you, still not opening his eyes.

"YAH WAKE UP!" you took your pillow and hit his head.
"Ouch! OKAY, I'm awake." he said with his husky morning voice. It sounded very sexy... He opened his eyes and looked at you.

"What-" that frustrating feeling on your hand appeared, cutting you off. You groaned one more time and looked at your hand to see, nothing more than a black spider walking down it. You immediately screamed and jumped on your bed while shaking like crazy your left hand.

Jungkook got up in a surprise and watched you how you're jumping and screaming. And than he saw a spider, down on the floor and his eyes widened. When you realised that spider was on the floor, you ran into the bathroom, took toilet paper and came back in your bedroom.

You threw the toilet paper on Jungkook.
"KILL HIM, KILL HIM NOW BEFORE HE ESCAPE!!!" you screamed to him while jumping on the bed.

"OKAY!" he screamed back and took 2747384849 layers of paper and crushed the spider. Luckily, he didn't escape.

"If you did, go to the bathroom and throw it into the toilet and let the water." you said while pointing towards the bathroom.

Jungkook nodded and did like you said. You felt disgusted. He was on my body. Gross.

Jungkook came back and leaned on the wall while sighing. You were standing on the ground now, trying to process what just happened.

"Good morning to you too." Jungkook said. You looked at him in disbelief.
"Okay I just had two heart attacks. Firstly I saw you, sleeping on the floor while leaning on my bed and secondly I saw that big fucking spider on my hand."

Jungkook smiled innocently to you.
"" you asked him.

"Well, after you fell asleep last night, I carried you in here with Jimin and when I put you on the bed, you took my thumb and mumbled in your sleep to stay. So I stayed." he said and crossed his hands on his chest.

You blinked a few times. Thumb...

"I...have to take a shower." you blankly said and went straight to the bathroom, leaving Jungkook behind.

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