Chapter 15

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**3284 words**


"Y/N!!" Everyone got up in a second when they heard the shooting and your screaming. The workers started to scream and panic. You fell down on the floor because the shot was very very strong and it hurt, a lot. G ran to you, panic and fear were visible on her face. Tuan and Ivan took their guns out.
"Everyone down on the floor!" Tuan yelled and went to BTS to protect them in case of more shooting and Ivan started to run outside to catch the shooter, but before he got out, all lights shut down.

You had your hands on the wound and breathe deeply to ease the pain.
"What is going on?!" Ivan yelled. "I don't know, the fuck?" Tuan yelled and turned the flashlight on his phone along with others.
"Y/N is shot, a-and she's bleeding!" G yelled and started to cry. Jungkook crawled over to you. He was scared, scared for you. Seeing the blood, he yelled. "We need to call the ambulance, immediately!"
It's true, the blood really leaked out a lot.

Then, the lights turned on. "Stop!" you yelled out of all strength. Everyone froze in place, yes you can be very loud. You eyed the workers and gestured with your head for them to go out of the hall. They all nodded and obeyed. Others were really really confused.
"There's no need to call ambulance or police." You deeply breathe. "Come on, you can get up now." you said and put your hands on the chair for support to get up.

Your leg hurt like hell. You sat on the chair and reached for a knife.
"You're bleeding for fucks sake Y/N, you just got shot, oh my God!" G got up and yelled gesturing to your leg. Everyone else also got up, they all were speachless and confused. Ivan approached to you, he had furrowed eyebrows.
"Y/N why aren't you crying or whatever normal people would do after getting shot?" Ivan asked you suspiciously.

You looked at him, your breathing was hard because of pain.
"My brother, you really think I have a bullet in my skin?" you laughed, took the knife and cut your dress all the way up your leg. Poor dress... And there was his answer on the last question. Everyone watched in shock. On your leg was put the bulletproof belt which is in color of skin, it was invisible and there was a bullet stuck in it.
"Is it clearer now?" you asked.
"But-but, the blood-" G started to speak but you interrupted her.

"Don't you see? All workers went out of the hall relaxed, the blood is fake and I'm not actually shot. Like you see, I'm fine. Of course my leg hurts because I felt the impact of the shot but, the bullet didn't penetrate the skin." you said and took off the belt. "Because I had this bulletproof belt on all the time." your hands trembled while you removed it. The big bluish red scar was visible and there were blood traces also. When the bullet came in contact with the belt, a small bag has broke and released the red liquid.

Ivan loudly exhaled. His mind was in mess. He was mad, surprised and still confused.
"I cannot believe." his eyes were teary.
You closed your eyes and opened. BTS just watched in silence. Tuan and G were in a same mess as Ivan.
"Just sit down and I'll explain everything. Please!" you said and looked down at your leg. One worker suddenly came to you and gave you ice to put it on the leg. You thanked him and he left.

They sat down just like you said, waiting for you to start explaining.
"If you don't understand something about what am I going to talk about, ask me." you warned them looking at all of them. They all just nodded in understatement.

"So, starting from the very beginning, when I came back here and when the news released about my comeback, Kai started to follow me. He followed me every day, if it wasn't him, it would be one of his man. Kai would follow me at the night time mostly. Even tho, he didn't knew, I figured that out the first day. It was seriously getting on my nerves." you paused and looked at Jungkook.

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