Taken away

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I live in a completely normal neighbourhood. There was a house once for sale (a couple of years ago) that is about 100m away from my house. It was for sale for quite a lot of time actually (a few months) and it was completely empty. There weren't any curtains or anything so you could see inside that the house is literally completely empty, no furniture, just white walls, empty rooms.

Anyway here's where it gets creepy. I walked by this house every night at around 10pm when going home (from hanging out with friend's or something) and I always looked through the windows to see if someone moved in but it was always empty and dark. One night however...there was this one night when I walked by the house and it had lights on, there was furniture (couldn't see much but there were tables, tv, refrigerator most likely etc.) and there were a bunch of old people sitting around a round table talking and smoking cigarettes. Okay I didn't find it creepy at all, I just thought to myself hey, they must have finally sold the house and I haven't noticed it in a few days...they moved in very quickly.

But...the next day I walked by the house again when it was daylight and it was freaking empty (again no furniture, no tables, just white walls and empty rooms) and "for sale" sign was still fucking there. I still didn't think much about it...to be honest I didn't even care, I was really weirded out for a bit but I forgot about it in a few hours.

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