Demon Dog

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  My uncle told this really fucking creepy story about a good friend of his who worked in the K-9 unit (he is a police officer). K-9 officers have to take their dogs home at night. The officer and his wife were having marital issues and they had been angry with each other. The wife told the officer to put the dog outside and so he did. Locked up the house, went to bed. About 10 minutes later, the dog comes into the room and starts bothering the couple. The wife says "I thought I told you to put that damn dog outside!" The officer replies with "I did..." "Well he got back in!" The officer then gets up to put the dog back outside and when he reaches the sliding glass door, he sees his dog, barking and growling running around. He immediately lets go of the dog in his hand and stands back. The dog proceeded to stand on two legs, and walk through the glass and disappear into the night.

After the officer got divorced, occasionally, he will have contact with the wife and she has reported seeing the same demon-dog thing multiple times and before when she was a child.    

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