The Fight on a Flight Part 1

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I clocked in at work after I checked the roster. Apparently, we were flying out to Ontario, California to pick up some high profilers. I got in my work outfit and rushed into the plane ready to go. What can I say? That I'm a pilot? Haha, that's funny. I'm just an air hostess, who barely has any time for dating.

A few hours later

I was walking down the aisle, making sure the already seated passengers were comfortable and if they needed anything. Some wanted some headphones so they can watch the movie, so I grabbed the headphones from the stock pile and handed them to the people who asked. Most of the passengers were getting their sleep in now, which was a smart idea. I made my way back to my station. I heard an all too familiar bitchy voice. It was Cortana Joyce, the one person I hated being assigned with on long ass flights.
(C is the speaking part for Cortana and N is the speaking part for Nova)

C: Hey Nova! I just checked on who's coming on the flight! They're from that weird thing you call WWE
N: Oh great You'll get to meet lots of men which are married, cause you're into the married type.
C: Look, I know this is going to sound stupid, but I'm trying to help you. You know Tenille Dashwood? She's coming on the flight.
N: Hold up! You mean my best friend, who is now in ROH, is coming on this flight? Along with possibly her ex?
C: Yes, her. Not sure about her ex though. But she and the WWE Superstars are flying first class. We're going to be assigned to them while Yusef is with the other passengers.
N: Ok. Thanks for the heads up.

God I hate Cortana, but sometimes she's actually helpful. A bonus is I get to see my best friend again. Yay. And some of my crushes.
I plugged in my earphones and pressed play on Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by Set It Off, as I drifted off to sleep. Which would be for a long time.

◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼Twenty hours later ◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼

Cortana gently woke me up, signifying that we landed and that passengers were getting off.
C: Hey wakey wakey. The passengers are almost all off, meaning we just gotta wait for the others.
N: Oh, how wonderful. Can you see her? Can you?
C: Yes, I see her. It looks like she'll be the first one on.
N: Most of the time, you're really rude. But I think it's starting to wear off. Thanks for the heads up.
C: No problem.

I waited at the door for the passengers and, you guessed it, Tenille was the first one on. I greeted her as a friend first, then as an air hostess. As much as I wanted to hang out with her, I had to remain professional. After most of the WWE roster got on, including Zack Ryder, there were two left. They were Noam Dar and TJ Perkins. TJ got on before Noam, and made his way to first class. I greeted Noam the same, but he decided to spark a small conversation.
ND: How's your day been?
NC: It's been good. Yours?
ND: Absolutely great. I should probably get to my seat. I'll definitely know which hostess to ask for any assistance. Just so I don't forget your pretty face, what's your name, darling?
NC: My name? My name is Nova Constantine, and if you want, go on YouTube and search Sun Wolf wrestling. You'll see my moves there.
ND: I'll make sure to recommend you to Steph.
After Noam found his seat, and all passengers were seated, the plane began its ascent into the sky.

Have I just found my ticket into the WWE? Will Emma help me as well? What's going to happen? Find out in the next installment of No Chance In Hell.

If you have any suggestions, please comment below and I'll make sure to consider them.

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