The Hospital Trip

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The drive to Davenport was pretty nice. And I got to know Becky a little bit more as well, which is a pretty good bonus if you ask me. We got our keys for our hotel rooms, and noticed that we would be right next door to each other. I waited for my roommate to show up, and when I heard a sharp knock on the door, I got up as fast as I could and answered it. Standing in the doorway, holding his bags, was Seth Rollins. I let him inside, and he put his stuff on his bed.

N: Well, hello Seth.
S: Well, hello Nova. How was your drive here with Becky?
N: It was actually a pretty awesome drive. Becky's such a sweet person. Whenever we would stop to fill up the fuel tank, shed buy me my favourite foods.
S: Wooow. That sounds like such a nice thing for Becky to do.
N: Oh shut up. Wanna watch any kind of movie on the TV?
S: Nah, not really. I'd rather crack open a cold one with the boys, to be honest.
N: I'm not stopping you. Go ahead and get drunk with your friends.

I felt a bit of warmth on my neck, looked down at the amulet and saw it was flowing a bit. I held it, to soften the glow, and it worked. After Seth left to go and get drunk with Dean and Roman and whoever else was near by, I layed down on my bed. I was feeling pretty faint, even though I just drank a bottle of water. I closed my eyes, and drifted off into a pretty good sleep.

◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼6 hours later◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼
I woke up sometime during the early night, because this sky was pretty dark. I looked around the room to see if Seth was back, and he was. But he wasn't alone. Dean and Roman were sitting on the couch with him, drinking beers while yelling at the TV which was off. Roman seemed a bit less drunk than the others. I walked over and said hi to the guys. Roman looked me in the eyes, and his eyes widened in shock.

N: Is something wrong?
R: You're pale as all shit!
D: She does look pretty pale.
S: We should get you to the hospital.

The guys managed to get on their feet, and sober up pretty quickly. They walked me to their car, and drive me to the hospital. I was taken away by a couple of doctors so they could run some tests on me. I was nervous, because the results could say anything.

◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼After the doctor's got the results back◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼
I was laying down in a hospital bed, not really caring what was going to happen to me.
A female doctor walked in, holder a manilla folder with sheets of paper inside of it.

DR: Have you been exposed to any kind of radiation lately?
N: No I haven't. Is there a problem?
DR: There's not a problem with me. But there is a problem with you. A very serious one. One that most people are unable to survive.
N: What kind of problem is it?
DR: I'm really sorry, Miss Constantine. Due to the results that the tests are showing me, all of them have detected the same issue. And that issue is cancer cells.
N: So what you're saying is, I have cancer?
DR: Yes, that is what I am saying. I recommend you do not wrestle. The cells will weaken you, and you will not be able to compete at all. Unless you choose to have chemotherapy.
N:*sighs* I will do whatever it takes to keep living. I'm going to do the chemotherapy.
DR: Ok then. All I will need is your three friends to sign off on the form. You can leave for now. I will send this file to the doctors at your work so they can have a look over it.
N: Thank you.
DR: You're welcome.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter, but I really want to get the first book done. The final chapter may or may not be short depending on my mood. I promise that I will update. Oh, and one more thing. Happy Easter to everybody!

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