A Present from a Stranger

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After Smackdown went off the air, I got up from the wreckage of an announce table. Corey kept asking me if I needed help, and I said no each time. Ive been through worse. Ive been thrown through a house door and fallen down the wooden stairs connecting to it. I can thank Riley for that. God I hate that son of a bitch. Anyway, I was forced to go to the med team to get checked out. I kept telling them I was fine, and they agreed. They said I was perfectly fine. After I left the med team, I bumped into someone.

B: I don't bo-lieve we've met before.
N: I know who you are. You're Bray's brother.
B: Yep.
I just wanted to get out of there, so I went back to Mikaze and changed into my normal outfit. Looks like I'll have to bring a bag in the future. As I left the arena to get back to the hotel, Seth approached me and handed me a letter. As soon as I looked up, he was running off. Geez, sometimes he's such a coward.

I opened the letter and it looked like it was printed out. It read:
To Nova Constantine, I wish to meet you in person, but for now, we shall communicate through Seth. I have a present to give to you. It shall be waiting in your hotel room on your bed. I promise that it isn't provocative. If you want a clue as to who I am, your wish shall be granted. I am out with an injury but should be back soon. Goodbye, my sweet star.
I swear whoever wrote this is a freaking lunatic. I put it in my pocket, and made my way back to the hotel. I got to the room and saw a box on my bed I opened it to reveal a Corgi pup. Who the hell gave this to me? And why did they choose to give it to me instead of their spouse? Unless whoever gave this little pup to me is single.

I texted Stephanie asking if I could bring the Corgi with me to Raw and Smackdown.
Me: Hey Steph. I got a present from someone. And that present is a Corgi pup.
Steph: Yes, you can bring it to events. Make sure that it is close to you and doesn't run off anywhere.
Me: Thank you Steph. I promise it won't run off anywhere.
I breathed a sigh of relief, but as soon as I put my phone down, Seth walked in and hugged me from behind. I hugged back, thinking it was Finn or Corey, but I was wrong. As soon as I realised it was Seth, I let go.

S: Aw, don't like my hugs?
N: When you act like a creep, I despise them.
S: You do realise you asked for it last night? In fact, you were asking for something else. And you're still asking for it.
N: I'm not asking for anything. Leave me alone.
I was scared that Seth was going to hurt the dog, so I grabbed it, along with a fry pan. At my actions, Seth just started laughing his ass off.
N: What's so funny?
S: You. I was joking around to see how uptight you are.
N: Maybe you should ask first. You don't know what I've been through, so don't call me uptight.
S: Ok ok, geez. The guys are going to the club, and some of the girls. We want to know if you're going to come as well.
N: I don't know.
S: Roman is staying behind to look after my dog. He can look after yourself too.
N: Fine. You convinced me.

After Seth took my Corgi to Roman, I got changed into my only dress. I don't like wearing dresses, so I barely pack them. Of course I still wore my black boots. They actually went with my dress.

I waited for Seth to return, and he did

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I waited for Seth to return, and he did.
S: Damn you look good in a dress.
N: Yeah well don't get used to it. I hate wearing dresses.
S: Come on. We gotta go to the club now.
N: Ok then. Whatever you say.
After Seth and I finished joking around, we finally managed to get to the club. Seth opened the door for me. I rolled my eyes and walked inside. I wasn't used to listening to shitty EDM music. Seriously. If you were here, you'd agree that it is utter trash. Seth grabbed my hand, and led me to the massive booth where everyone else is.

ND: Would you look at that! Darling dressed up!
NC: That's Nova to you.
Nikki: Damn girl! I'm starting to think that you're my other secret twin. That dress looks amazing. And those boots! They're matching!
NC: Thanks Nikki.

While everyone was complimenting me, I noticed Seth looked extremely jealous. I placed my hand on top of his to calm him down. It must have worked because I saw him look down and smile. I pulled my hand away, just as Noam cam with a bunch of shots of whiskey. He handed one to each person, and then me. I down the shot without hesitation. I slam the glass down, demanding another. Everyone was staring at me in amazement, while some were coughing. What can I say? I can handle my liquor better than other people can.

◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼At the end of the night◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼
Everyone else was drunk out of their mind. It takes a lot more than just a bunch of shots to even get me tipsy. Seth finally managed to stay standing, so I put his arm around my shoulder to help him walk back to the hotel. We got up to the hotel room, so I opened the door and helped Seth into is bed. He pulled me down with him, clearly not wanting me to leave.
N: Seth I have to go to my own bed.
S: *speech is slurred* No. I want you to stay with me forever. Especially in this bed.
N: I'll make you a deal. Nothing sexual happens, and I stay in the bed. If you try coming on to me, I'm out. Deal?
S: Sure. Deal. Whatever you're supposed to say.

I got out of bed and changed I to my nightwear. I layed back down with Seth, not wanting to disturb him. After a few minutes, I heard some kind of muttering come from Seth. What I heard, may have been from drunk Seth or normal Seth. I'm not sure which one it was from, but it opened my eyes. What am I going to do?

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