Rock and Roll

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The plane landed in Kansas, so we grabbed our baggage.
T: Looks like you come to your senses.
N:Nah, I got fired. So now I'm free!
T: Let's just hope Steph says yes to recruiting you.
N: Yeah. Hey, you've got ROH, and I may be in the WWE. Who am I going to room with?
T: Don't worry about it. I'll text you after Raw to tell you.
N: Thanks. You're the best.
T: So I've been told.

Tenille directed me to a rental car, and Noam and Finn were there. I was only happy to see Finn because why not? He seems like the kind of person who can light up a whole damn room just by saying hi. And Noam seems like he's a creep at first, but over time, he slowly loses his creepiness.
F: Looks like you'll be car-pooling with us
NC: Yeah, I am. I just hope the person I'll be rooming with is as nice as you.
ND: What about me, darling?
NC&F: You're just a creep.
I helped the guys put their bags in the back of the SUV. Yes, the bags were heavy but I could handle it. After the bags were sorted, we sat in the car and started driving to the hotel.

F: How about we play a game?
ND: What kind of game?
F: We all say one thing about ourselves.
NC: Sounds as boring as watching a dog shit, but sure. I'm in
After that last comment, they both looked at me like I was some kind of freak.
F: I'll go first. I was supposed to be born on the fourth of July.
NC: We would've shared our birthdays. But I'm ten years younger than you. Here's mine. I was in a car accident severing my left hand. I had to get a robotic hand to replace it, so I did. That's why I wear a galaxy coloured leather glove on my left hand.
ND: Geez. Well, here's mine. Alicia Fox forced me to, you know, and she made me get her pregnant. She got rid of it before work found out about it.

Why didn't Noam tell anyone about this? Sure, the circumstances but he could have at least supported Alicia. But I understand Alicia's situation. I went through the same. But that's a story for another day. As we finished sharing, we reached the hotel. Finn pulled into the parking lot, so we grabbed our bags out of the back. As we walked into the lobby of the hotel, I saw a face I thought I would never see again. I saw Riley Duggan.

Riley's my abusive ex. I'll tell you about him later. Noam nudged my shoulder, getting my full attention. He directed me to the room him and Finn are sharing.
ND: So, darling. Do you know who you're rooming with?
NC: No, I don't. Emma said she'll text me after Raw is finished.
ND: Oh shit. Speaking of Raw. We gotta go! Finn! Get your shit ready! We're heading to Raw now.
F: Shit you're right.
After the guys ran around the room, they finally got their stuff together. We pretty much ran to the car so we wouldn't be late. Finn passed me a VIP backstage pass so I could meet Steph. He also tossed me the keys. I dove into the driver's seat and started the car. I checked to see if the guys were ready. They nodded yes.

It's time to rock and roll.

A/N: The character Riley is a good friend of mine and asked if he could be featured. If any of you want to be featured, just let me know. Don't be afraid to ask. I learnt that lesson the hard way. Good bye for now.

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