Next Stop on the Rollercoaster

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I woke up with Asuka's arms still around me. I smiled, never wanting to leave the bed. But I realised that we would have to leave to go to the next city. I woke her up gently and told her that we would need to leave soon. She went back to her room and Seth smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and helped Corey pack his stuff up before I packed mine. After that was done, we walked down to the hotel parking lot. Corey went to a car with Dana Brooke, Roman Reigns and Becky Lynch while Seth and I walked to his car.

S: Hurry up.
N: Well, you're the one who made me carry your luggage as well as mine!
S: Just put it in the back.
I put the bags into the back of the car, then went to the front of the car and sat in the passenger seat. Seth got in the driver's side and slammed the door shut. What the hell is his problem? I flinched back, scared if he was going to hit me. If only he knew what really happened to me. He looked my way, sighed and started driving. When we got to the highway, my eyes started to flutter shut, and Seth must have noticed because he reached over the back and grabbed a blanket and placed it on me, while concentrating on not crashing the car. I felt him grab my left hand, and slowly pull the glove off. I didn't even bother moving my hand because I was tired. For some unknown reason, I could sense some tears fall from his eyes, and then I heard a phone camera go off. I felt the glove go back on, and then I heard Seth call someone.

S: The deal's off man. I can't do it anymore.
Unknown: Why? What problem came up?
S: It's her hand. Finn told me about it, but I didn't believe him. I had to see for myself.
Unknown: Colby, please. I still need you to do this. Especially while I'm out. But I need you to do another job. See if Renee is cheating on me.

Whoever Seth had called, hung the phone up on him. I curled up even more, signalling that we should rest. It must have worked because Seth pulled off of the highway. We pulled into some kind of motel because Seth woke me up. He helped me into the room, then went back and grabbed our bags. I fell asleep straight away, and Seth climbed onto the other side of the bed. He let me have the blankets, and curled up facing the other way. All I could think about was why his mood and attitude towards me had changed. Was Seth Rollins really a good person behind the evil on-screen persona? Maybe.

◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼Late at night◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼
Seth woke me up so we could get back on the road. When we got back on the highway, Seth asked me a question I didn't want to answer.
S: What happened to your hand? I mean what really happened?
N: I don't want to tell you.
S: Please tell me.
N: He chained me to the fence and shot my hand three times. He dragged me upstairs, threw me out a closed door, and pushed me down the stairs. I suffered a miscarriage as well.

As soon as I mentioned miscarriage, his face dropped. I wanted to talk, but Seth didn't seem to be in the mood. We travelled to the next city in silence. Not a single word the whole drive, unless Seth asked me if I was cold. When we arrived at the hotel, Seth went and grabbed the keys, leaving me to grab the bags. I dragged them into the hotel, and followed Seth. It looked like we were on the top floor because pushed the button for floor 68, which was the highest floor in this hotel. Seth unlocked our door and allowed me to walk in first. I put his bags on his bed, and my bags on mine. I could already tell that Seth would only talk to me if it was at work.

It had finally come to be time for Raw. I was informed that I would interview Seth after his match loss, and that his answers would be heel answers. His answers would come straight from his mind. I was nervous, but it all washed away when I had to go out and interview him. I stepped over the top rope, because of my height, and began interviewing Seth.

N: Seth how does this loss affect your career? You lost at Elimination Chamber and now you've lost your chance at redemption.
S: My loss? How about your loss? You lost your chance at parent hood.
I covered the microphone and told him not to bring it up. Seth didn't care, because he yanked the microphone away from me.
S: You see, Nova. I will always have a chance at redemption. But you. I can't say the same. Except that you did the wrong thing. You lost your kid. Not in a super market, but while it was still growing. And, to make things so much better, you lost your hand too!
After Seth announced that, he grabbed my left hand, and yanked the glove away. He revealed the two things I wanted to keep a secret. All of my anger was boiling inside of me, so I released it. I released all of my anger on Seth. I jumped on him, causing him to fall to the ground. Punch after punch after punch he received. I grabbed his head and smashes it into the ring mat multiple times. I rolled him out of the ring, stood him up and threw him knee first into the solid steel ring post. I resumes my attack on Seth until Kurt Angle walked out and summoned the whole WWE roster to pull me away from him. They came down and pulled me off of Seth, but after I did my damage and took my glove back and placed it in its rightful spot on my left hand. The med team came out to help Seth, so I walked backstage only to run into Triple H.

Tr: We just came up with a brand new idea! Instead of you debuting against Bray Wyatt, it will be against Seth Rollins at WrestleMania. You just proved that Bray is just a fly to you.
N: Thanks Trips. I'll do it. On one condition though.
Tr: Name it.
N: Put a muzzle on that dirty dog of a man. And I mean it.

A/N: The song at the top should be played as soon as Seth calls the 'mystery' person. Just thought I'd give you the heads up

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