What Goes Around, Comes Around

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While I was sitting at the table, I remembered I had a match against a local competitor. I got up, and walked quickly to my dressing room to get changed into my ring gear. I walked to the entrance area, and told them to play my music. As I made my entrance, I saw my opponent was already in the ring. He was as tall as Braun Strowman, but I knew I could beat him. When I got into the ring, the bell was rung for the match to start. He ran at me, and all I had to do was plant a massive Big Boot kick to his face and he was down on the mat. I covered him for the 3 count, and it worked. Once the ref helped him out of the ring, I grabbed a microphone.

N: Is this the best that you can do? Send out 'tough, big and strong' people for me to face. I know there's one person that I want to face. And that is Brock Lesnar. And I'm going to take his title too. But he ain't here tonight. He's just a pussy back bitch.
PH: Hold on there young lady. My client, Brock Lesnar would be very glad to face you by putting his title on the line, but he is already scheduled in a match for it at WrestleMania.
N: So? How about this? You put Brock in a championship match against me the Raw before WrestleMania, he wins, I move to Smackdown. But if I win, Brock has to quit wrestling and UFC, forever!
PH: No that's not going to happen!

I smirked, cause I knew that Kurt Angle would come out and make the match. But I got a surprise. Stephanie came out, and made the match instead. For once in my life, I was happy. But the thoughts came back, and my face turned emotions very quickly, on worldwide television. Flashes of the noose came into view. I walked backstage, packed up my stuff and drove back to the hotel. Some of us weren't needed for the rest of Raw, so we drove back to the hotel. I left a note in Seth's locker room saying I took the car.

I pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, and left my stuff in the car except for my handbag. I walked into the hotel bar, and sat down in a booth at the back. A waiter came to take my order, so I told him a whole bottle of whiskey and a whole bottle of bourbon. He went back to the bar, grabbed the bottles then brought them back to me. I payed the money, and slumped back into my seat. I opened the bourbon first, and took a massive swig from it. I didn't want anyone to bother me, but someone sat down across from me in the booth. I didn't see who it was because I was just staring at the label on the bottle.

F: Hey there. Didn't think I'd see you here without your bodyguard Seth.
N: He's not my bodyguard.
F: Oh really? Then who is he to you?
N:*rolls my head backwards and looks whoever it is in their eyes* He's a massive pain in the arse that made a deal with Dean Ambrose to sleep with me just to find out my cup size.
F: Wow. Didn't know he'd stoop down to Dean's level of perviness.
N: Well, he did. I can't even stand being within the same 10 miles as him. But I have to.
F:*grabs the bottle of bourbon and takes a swig then hands it back to Nova* I can think of someone else that you can hang out with.
N:*finishes the bottle of bourbon off* Oh really? And who would that person be?
F: Me, of course!
N: I gotta be absolutely drunk before I can go off with some dude.
F: I'll bring the whiskey up, how does that sound?
N: That sounds great.

I finally saw who it was, and saw Finn. I got up and followed Finn up to his room. He sat down on the couch and opened the bottle of whiskey. I sat down next to him, and he passed me the bottle. I drank half of the bottle, and let Finn drank the second half of the bottle. I was pretty drunk by this stage, and I had no idea what I was even doing. I looked Finn in the eyes, cupped his face in my hands and crashed my lips into his. Finn kissed me back. He pulled me into his lap, and we continued to make out. After an hour of making out, Finn asked me for my permission, and I agreed. You can figure out the rest, and it was the best I ever had. I'm just thinking if he doesn't like me, or if he loves me.

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