Can I Handle This?

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I could barely sleep. And when I did get small moments of sleep, they were spent tossing and turning in the bed. All I could think about is does Finn hate me and is Seth really an abusive person? When the clock struck 2 am, I decided to leave the hotel room and go down to the gym. What can I say? When I can't sleep, I always go to the gym even if it's early as shit. I went to the pull up bars, and started doing them. I would do everything for about an hour. Even if that meant I could barely hold a water bottle.

I continued working out, even when everyone else walked into the gym. Right now, I was lifting about 650lbs. It may seem heavy, but to me, it's not that heavy. Everyone was staring at me, and I ignored them. I even ignored TJ. I finished lifting the weights, so I moved back over to the pull up bar. I didn't take notice that Finn and Seth were on each side of me. I quickly checked the time on my phone while I was doing one handed pull ups. I saw that it was 11:30am. I dropped down and landed on my feet. I walked over to the bench that had my stuff, and almost collapsed onto it. TJ must have saw because he ran over to me.

TJ: Woah! Are you ok?
N: Yeah I'm fine.
TJ: You sure? You look like you've been here for hours.
N: That's because I have been here for hours. I have been here since 2am this morning.
Tr: Go back to your room Nova. I can't risk you getting sick or hurting yourself. TJ, make sure she stays safe.
TJ: Yes sir.
N: Ok, I'll go back to my room.

After TJ grabbed his and my stuff, we went back up to TJ's room. As soon as he opened the door, I flaked out onto the couch. I could barely stand up, realising how many hours in had worked out for. My whole body was aching, even when I heard a gentle voice. It wasn't TJ's, it was Finn's. I heard him ask TJ if I was ok. I assisted the question by sticking my thumb up into the air. I heard chuckling, so that must be a good sign.

F: You still find some way to make me laugh, even when I'm pissed at you.
N: I'm sorry I left you like that. I wanted to let Seth know that I was ok. He yelled at me and almost hit me. Then he left. That's why I took those pills. But that's only a part of the never ending story.
TJ: Seems like you have to get a lot off of your chest. Starting by visiting mom and dad.
N:No. No way. There is absolutely no chance in all seven hells that I will visit them.
TJ: I know what they did was wrong. But to mend the bridge, you've gotta lay the wood down.
F: Dude, it sounds like she's doesn't want to go.
TJ Fine. Nova, you don't have to visit them. But if and when they come to events, all you have to do is say hi, ok?
N: Fine. But if they try disowning me, I'm outtie.
TJ: Deal. We should probably start packing our stuff up to head to San Jose. Bayley will be pissed if we're late even by a minute.
F: I'll talk some sense into her.

◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼Arriving in San Jose◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼
I was excited to visit San Jose, because the only time I've been here was when I was in the airport waiting for the next lot of passengers. God, I'm glad I left that life behind. On another note, I was starting to develop an extremely painful headache. No, it was not because of those thoughts. I heard someone shout in pain, so I turned around and saw that Finn was holding the back of his head.

B: You're late.
F: Yeah, by a minute. Does it matter that much? I mean, we've been here heaps of times.
B: It may not matter to you, but it matters a whole lot to me.
N: You must be Bayley.
B: Yeah, I am. It's nice to finally meet you Nova.
N: Yeah it is.
TJ: I got our room keys! The four of us are rooming together.
B: Oh, okay.

We took our stuff up to the room, and realised that it's an extremely nice suite. Bayley ran to a smaller room that was part of the suite and claimed it as her room. Finn found another and claimed it. There were two rooms left. One with a nice view and the other without a view. TJ and I had a race to see who the first person into the nicer room. I was first, which made TJ pout. I laughed and set my stuff down and started unpacking. For once, I was actually glad that I was rooming without Seth.

◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼Raw in San Jose◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼
Tonight, Raw was starting with Seth opening it. I watched, ready to I interrupt him. I snuck through the crowd, and hid in the time keepers area. I waited for the lights to go out, and Finn's music to start playing. I slid into the ring and stood right behind Seth. When the lights turned on, I waited for Finn's cue.

S: What are you doing here Balor?
F: Just the usual. Talking to people, beating up people like you.
S: You better watch your mouth. You think you're tough just because you've beaten me a few times.
F: I know, but there's someone behind you that should apologise to.

Seth turned around straight into an RKO from me. I was laughing as Seth was laying flat on the mat. I grabbed a microphone and spoke with poison coming straight out of my mouth.

N: Did that hurt, Seth? I bet it did. That's how I felt. That's how I've been feeling these past few weeks. But you don't get. You never have, and you never will.
S: Don't...jump to...conclusions. The reason...that stuff because of everything that's happened.
N: Shut up shut up SHUT UP! You have no idea what you've done to me. So just shut the hell up and listen. I was abandoned when I was 14. My older brother came looking for me, but I didn't know. The way you've been acting is like my parents. Abusive, cold, heartless and hateful creatures. Looks like you joined them.

I threw the microphone onto Seth, and got out of the ring. I made my way up the entrance ramp and ignored Finn the whole time. I ignored everyone. That was until I saw them. The two pieces of shit that have caused me a lot of pain. I walked over to TJ, and ignored my parents.

N: What are they doing here?
TJ: They wanted to visit me.
N: That it? You sure they're not trying to convince you to dump me on the side of the road like they did?
TJ: I'm sure. Besides, I'm recording the conversation to make sure that if they say anything suspicious, it goes on the record.
N: *breathes a sigh of relief* Ok. I'll see you in catering.

I walked off, visibly shaking. I walked my way into catering and found an empty table at the back. Everybody knew that I liked my privacy, and only a select handful of people could sit at the same table as me. I looked up at the monitor, and saw that Seth was fuming. He glared into the camera like we were standing right in front of each other.

Well guess what? I can handle this. I'll be happy to beat his face into the ground any day of the week.

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