Gambling Central

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During the road trip, I had felt a craving. A craving for some food. What can I say? I was really hungry.
N: I'm hungry.
S: You can wait.
N: No I can't. I'm hungry now.
S: Just wait until we get there. We only have another hour to go.
I slumped back into my seat, because I was starving. And something else. Suddenly, something vibrated in the car. I looked towards Seth and saw he was holding his phone. He passed me the unlocked phone and told me to read the text he had gotten. I got into his messages and started reading it. The text was from Dean but before I read it, I had decided to look through the most recent texts and they said:
Dean: Dude you've met the new chick haven't you?
Seth: Yeah I have. Why?
Dean: I need you to find some kind of way to find out her cup size.
Seth: Dude! What the hell?! I'm not gonna sleep with her!
Dean: Seth. I'm serious. You have to. And after its happened, leave her out to dry.
I was disgusted, and I decided to reply. That's what Seth would want me to do.
Seth: Fine. But I'm not leaving her out to dry like she's some kind of deformity
I gave Seth his phone back and ignored him for the rest of the road trip. I can't believe that I could fall for a simple trick. And why the hell did it have to involve the one thing that had ruined my life? I wanted this whole disaster called my life to be over.

◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼In the hotel room◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼
Seth and I had decided on resting for the next few days, so Seth put on a movie and we sat down on the massive couch with lots of bags of Maltesers and popcorn and soft drink. Seth handed me a blanket, in case I would feel cold during the movie. I hated having to take the way I felt, but I truly hate Seth Rollins now. I wanted to rip his arms out of their socket. But I had enjoyed our time together.

During the movie, I fell asleep before Seth because I heard him turn the tv off. The only thing I could feel was warmth, but not from the blanket. It came from the body that I just swore to hate. I couldn't believe what I was doing. I was sleeping on top of someone who I used to like. I was too tired to move my position, so I just stayed on top of Seth.

◼◼◼◼◼Promo during Raw between Seth and I◼◼◼◼◼◼
S:*walking in the hall* Damn, this feels nice.
N:*walking towards Seth and I turn him around to face me* What the hell was that?!
S: What do you mean? I didn't do anything to you!
N: Yes you did! You almost killed me last week! I've been coughing up blood every single day you asswipe!
S: You needed to be put into your place. Which isn't here.
N:*remembering the script involved a surprise kiss* I hope you die in a fire, Seth Rollins.
S:*grabs me by the waist and pulls me close* Come on Sunny. We all know you wouldn't want that. I'm the only one that cares for you here.
N: If you cared, then you wouldn't have come out for the match.
S: I wanted to make sure that you didn't face Braun or Kane or Brock.
N: I've handled people like that before. You don't need to worry about me.
S: Sure. But when they snap you like a twig, don't come crying to me. *Starts walking off*
N:*runs after Seth, turns him around and kisses him*
S:*eyes go wide because this isn't a part of the script*
N:*stops the kiss* You better be nicer if you want more of that, Asswipe.

I walk away from the cameras, and Seth comes running after me. I ignore him, so I go into catering and shut the door straight after me. I got a text from an unknown number.
Unknown: Why, that was quite the kiss. But it should have been with me instead of that slime weasel Colby.
Me: Who are you?
Unknown: Oh, you'll find out in due time. I'll give you clues every week on a Monday night, but if you come looking for me before the clue is given, you won't get a clue for two months.
I shut my phone off and walked towards a table near the back that was completely empty. Until I sat down at the table. I layed my arms down on the table, and layed my head into the empty space. I wanted to be alone. Those dark thoughts I had came back, so I ignored all of the sounds that were around me. They couldn't know. And I sure as hell wouldn't let them find out. No one is allowed into the deep, dark pits of my mind.

There's no chance in hell.

No Chance In HellWhere stories live. Discover now