Emperess of Tomorrow

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I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear. I turned it off, hoping it wouldn't wake Seth up. I looked back and he was still asleep. I called a number I promised myself I wouldn't call. He agreed to meet in the hotel cafe as long as no one followed me. I quickly got changed into a casual outfit that wouldn't draw much attention. (Outfit at top) I grabbed my bag and headed down to the cafe where I saw Riley sitting at a table in the back. I walked over and sat down with him.

R: What did you want?
N: For you to leave. Don't follow me. Don't come to my work and don't even come near any of my friends.
R: You honestly believe that they're your friends? They're not. They're just fillers. The moment you're in trouble, they're going to disappear into thin air.
N: No they won't.
R: You had a few drinks with them. Do you honestly believe that they trust you? Well guess what? They won't trust you with anything.

Just as I got ready to slap him, someone punched him. I looked at who it was, and it was Asuka. She shouted a warning in Japanese.
A: Anata wa mō kanojo no chikaku ni kimasen ka? Anata wa watashi o rikai shite imasu ka, anata wa orokana hitodesu ka? Kanojo no chikaku no doko ka ni kuru koto o kangaete mo, watashi wa anata no ude to ashi o kowashimasu. Osoraku anata no kubi!
I understood what she yelled, and asked her if I could leave. She nodded yes, so I ran back up to my room while Asuka detained Riley waiting for the cops to show up. When I shut the door, I jumped back in surprise. Seth was awake, petting his and my dog at the same time.

S: Where have you been?
N: Meeting Riley. You?
S: Asuka called me. Told me what he said to you. And about you. Why didn't you text me to come and get you?
N: Because I didn't need to.
S: I care about you! I care about you more than anything! I was worried if something bad happened to you!
N: What did you say last night in your sleep?
S: I don't know.
N: Seth, tell me right now or I'm leaving.
S: I said that I would protect you forever because I love you! Everytime Emma showed us a video or photo of you, I was proud. I was happy. I wanted to be able to love you! That's what I said!
N: Seth...I can't. Not right now. If you knew what Riley did to me.
S: I do. Emma told us after you told her. I was hanging out with Zack when she just got off the phone with you.

As soon as I heard that Seth knew what I went through, I hugged him tightly. I didn't want to let him go. I hugged him for a few minutes, let go then slapped him. I was tired so I went onto my bed. I curled up into a ball, and felt someone ask Seth what happened. I felt a pair of arms around me. I didn't care who it was. I just wanted a hug. I heard a female voice ask me if I was ok. I didn't recognise the voice at first, but realised after I heard a Japanese lullaby that it was Asuka.

I rolled over, so I could feel her heartbeat. It was gentle, and her voice was soothing. God, her voice is so damn beautiful. It...was making me confused. What am I into? I know I'm into a kind, sweet and caring person. I'll be happy as long as they make me happy and not sad. I just want them to love me. Who am I going to choose though? I don't know about Seth, but Asuka calms me down. She protects me. She's everything that I have ever wanted.

Asuka is perfect. Is she the one for me? Or is Seth the one for me? How do I choose?

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