Get To Work

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I stayed in the hospital for the rest of the day, and TJ stayed by my side. When I was discharged, TJ was the only one still here so he signed off on the papers. TJ was actually being nice to me. Well, I guess we are brother and sister. After we left the hospital, TJ drove around the city until it was time for Smackdown. No one outside of WWE was allowed to know about what happened to me. I made sure of it because I didn't want anyone that is higher up to think that I'm a weakling.

As TJ and I walked into the arena, people were staring at us. Why were they staring at us? I didn't want them seeing us together, so I distanced myself from TJ and walked into catering to see if there was any non-judging people there. Good news! Everyone there doesn't give a shit if TJ and I hang out. I looked around, and saw Finn sitting down with the Good Brothers Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows, and AJ Styles. I sat down next to An, and he greeted me with an extremely warm smile. So did Karl and Luke.

K: Hey Nova. Finn's been telling us about how sweet of a girl you are.
F: She ain't that sweet.
N: Finn, what are you talking about?
L: Yeah, what are you talking about?
F: She left me. Then she overdosed.
N: Finn, you have no idea what led me to take those pills.
F: All I know is that you're a lying, cheating, scumbag peice of shit that leaves.
After Finn's outburst, he stood up from the table and left. I wanted to go after him, but I looked up and saw the production cameras. That means the whole world knows what just happened.

I ran back to my locker room, and got changed into my ring gear. After I got changed, I looked at the monitor and saw that Finn was in the middle of a match against Seth. I told the technician to turn the lights off so I could run out. As the lights were off,I ran to the ring and slid under the ring ropes. I set Finn and Seth up for a double Sister Abigail, and I delivered. I saw that the lights were going to turn on soon, so I got out of the ring and walked over to the announce table.

When the lights were turned on, the referee was shocked, just like everyone else in the arena. Seth Rollins and Finn Balor were out cold on the ring mat. No one knew what happened, except for me. I started walking backstage, while I was smirking at the ring. I was quite proud of my handiwork. Finn was going to feel a whole lot of pain in the future. As I got backstage, people looked like they were scared of me. That was never my intention to scare any one else.

◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼The start of 205 Live◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼
TJ asked me to stay behind for 205 Live, and I obviously said yes. He said that he was going to address an issue to the whole entire WWE Universe. I was watching the monitor paciently, then I heard his theme Playing With Power start, then I watched him do his entrance. I was watching every angle to make sure that he wouldn't be attacked on his way to the ring. When he got the microphone and pressed it to his lips, everyone shut their mouths completely. I waited for what TJ was going to say.

TJ: WWE Universe! How's it going?
*Cheers coming from the audience*
TJ: That's what I thought. You may know I have a tattoo on my left shoulder that I got when my missing sister was fifteen.
*TJ shows the camera and audience his tattoo*
TJ: And as you all may know, someone else, a women's wrestler, has the exact same tattoo in the exact same spot.
*TJ puts a workout photo of me that doesn't show my face*
TJ: I know that look in your faces. You're all wondering who that is. Well, at WrestleMania, for my entrance, you will finally see who my 'missing sister' is.

TJ exited the ring and came backstage and hugged me as soon as he saw me. I hugged TJ back, then broke the hug. We grabbed our stuff, because TJ was told that he wasn't needed for the rest of 205 Live. He drove me back to the hotel and walked me up to my room. He said goodbye, then he started walking towards his room that he was sharing with Finn. I unlocked the door, and walked inside to see Seth holding my pill bottles while he was sitting on the couch.

S: So these are the pills you took?
N: Yeah they are. You got a problem with that?
S: Yeah I do. If you took more than what you did, you could have died! I don't want that to happen to you, ok? I don't want to go to your funeral!
N: Well, you shouldn't have been the one to fall in love with me years ago when I've only known you for a few weeks, you asscrack!
S: Don't you raise your voice at me!
N: I can do whatever I want!

I probably shouldn't have said that, because Seth looked absolutely furious. I saw him pick up the nearest vase, and he threw it at my head. I just managed to dodge it. That was the last straw. I packed all my stuff up while Seth was apologising. I grabbed my bags and left the room and slammed the door in Seth's face. I ignored him the whole time he was chasing after me while I was practically running to Finn and TJ's room. I knocked on the door, TJ answered and then he saw Seth. He pulled me into the room and shut the door before Seth could jam it open with his foot. TJ said that he'll take the couch and let me sleep in his bed. I thanked him and got my stuff sorted out.

I didn't want to deal with Seth whatsoever.

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