How could You Play me?💔😟

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Yep I'm back and yes this imagine is based off the song. VOTE AND COMMENT❤💘! ENJOY!!
"I had fun tonight" I said to my boyfriend Keith. He just took me out on this romantic date and now we're sitting on my couch while watching TV.

"No problem babe" Keith said kissing me on my neck. "Keith stop" I said moving my neck away from him. He just kept kissing my neck but this time he rubbed my thigh. "Keith stop!" I yelled moving away from him.

He just sucked teeth and said "really y/n? Come on" He said getting closer to me. "Keith get out" I said not even looking at him. "What?" He said shocked. " I said get the fuck out!" I yelled at him.

"Fine" He said leaving while slamming my door. "Don't slam my door nigguh!" My mom said coming from downstairs. "You okay?" My mom said sitting down with me. "Yeah it is what it is" I shrugged. "Now let me go to sleep cause i got school tomorrow" I said to my mom before going upstairs.
At school

It was my third period class when I saw Keith talking to this girl right across from me. I just want somebody who's interested in me, Not just my body. I know that's all he want but he ain't getting that fo' sure.

He did me dirty and I'd never thought that you'd do this to me. But It's okay because I ain't stressin' over you.

When He saw me staring, He just smirked and put his attention back on the girl while I just concentrated on the teacher.

I was sitting at lunch with my friends when i saw Keith with that girl again but this time they were kissing. "Girl why Keith kissing on that girl?" My friend Tyshawna said. "You know what...come on" I said walking over to him while Tyshawna followed me.

"So this what we doing now Keith?" I said interrupting. "Hey you wasn't giving me nun so I had to do something" Keith said while shrugging. " could you play me?" I said about to cry but I kept it in. "Y-" "nah nigga shut up and let her talk!" Tyshawna yelled.

"You did me shady Keith but it's good" I said smiling. "I hope getting you some is worth losing this" Tyshawna said pointing at me then walking me back to the table.

"How could he play me like that?" I said as a tear dropped down.
who should be in the next imagine???👀












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