Chapter 1

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Ariana POV

I woke up to another day of school ugh it's so annoying but I still have my friends!

I took a shower and put on my baby blue jeans with a white tank top not amazing I know but it was Friday who cares right?

"ARIANA FOODS READY" my mom called

"Coming" I said

I ate my pancakes and grabbed my backpack said goodbye to my parents and left

I would usually get a ride but my brother Ty leaves early like how does he do that so I take the bus

"Hey Ariana over here" I heard my bestfriend Sarah call out

"Hey" I said smiling

"What's up" she asked wondering like she always has

"Nothing you?" I said back

"Naw" she shook her head

We got off the bus and headed for our lockers that were some how right beside each other

"Hey guys" Katy said as we walked down to our class together

"Hey" we said

"Ariana your hair looks more red did you"

"No did not dye it more red" I cut her off yea my hairs red I like that way

"Ok ok calm down" she said

We walked in and took our usual seats at the corner in the back so we can talk

&&&&&&& AFTER SCHOOL &&&&

I got tired by happy I made it through another week of school

"Mom" I said

"In here" she said in the dining room

I walked in and saw Ty, my dad and my mom looking at each other nervously

"What happened?" I asked

"Uh hun we're moving" she said smiling

"Haha nice joke mom" I laughed but no one laughed with me so I stopped

"What no we can't" I said

"It's alright" my dad said trying to calm me down"

"NO IT'S NOT ALRIGHT I CAN'T MOVE" I yelled and ran up to my room just laid on my bed crying softly

"Hey your gonna be okay so stop crying" I looked around to see my brother smiling

"Where are we moving?" I asked

"To Texas, San Antonio" he said

"But why can't I just stay here in Miami with Sarah I can live with her" I begged

"No your coming" he said leaving "Oh and pack your bags we're leaving tomorrow" he finished

What tomorrow talk about timing they could have told me earlier jeez people these days

I thought about calling Sarah over so she can help me pack and we can hang out

"Hello" she said

"Hey wanna come over" I asked

"Sure see ya" she said happy well not for long

*ding dong*

"It's open" I said

"Hey what's" she said

"Oh you know just moving" I said

"YOUR MOVING!" she said

"Yea so lets pack and hang out" I said taking out my zebra print suitcase

"Alright" she groaned

We finished packing and it felt like forever then we decided to watch a movie which we didn't watch and stayed there crying

"Okay enough with the crying lets get out yea lets go to the park" she said smiling

"Ok let's go" I said back


Hey what do you guys think well my other book I accidentally deleted so I was to lazy to keep writing so I started a new one

If you guys want to continue my old book it's was left off with Harry and Jessica getting together ok? great

So vote this book please it would help a lot haha

Oh and follow me on twitter at mahomie4_life20 that would be great too thanks byeeee

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