chapter one: Black eye's

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waking up to the sound of a loud phone alarm, annoyingly blaring into the room, momentarily groaning as she reluctantly reached a hand out to turn the damn thing off, pausing for a moment she winced as she closed her eyes, sucking in a breath as she sat up, holding in a breath as she wished for the discomfort to do much more than disappear before getting out of bed carefully to avoid any further damage and pain to her own body despite the days later events..

Getting ready for the day she looked at her tired eyes in the mirror, no one could ever mistakingly catch the other red and bruised skin around one of them to be anything else than a black eye, that's all it ever was, she refused to care about it, yes it hurt and yes she was suprised that no further damage had been done to her eyesight from how persistant the injuries always were, once she had done her morning routines she gulped as dread filled her veins and mind as she hoisted her backpack onto her shoulder, making sure she had what she needed before her movements paused simply for a moment, her body freezing as the thoughts took over her mind does she want to go? Of course not.
Don't be ridiculous, that voice in her mind repeated, it came to her suddenly that there was never a point of her having a slight hope that any of this would ever end, that anyone cared, hell the ones who done this to her were the ones who'm she always thought cared in the first place yet the memory of that itself seems nothing but like a blurry hallucination.


Daniella only had one friend only at high school, her name was Robecca, her nickname was Ro for short, the two were obviously close as they were friends since the 4th grade and the two were inseparable, hell everything they did they were always together, through thick and thin they adapted to one another like sisters.

At high school there was no one else Daniella had, in reality she was always on her own.. she was pittied on actually, she's never had the full romanticized experience of high school and she doubt she ever will, that was never written in the stars for her , no boyfriend, no first kisses and certainly no first dates, no wonder she was automatically deemed pathetic to outsiders and anyone who saw her, no self deffence and certainly no aspirations to top all of it off, the ones who caused her all the pain.. all the hurt.. all the wasted tears weren't the only ones that seemed to hurt her like this, there were others that joined too and audiences in the halls you may ask? Just stood and watched.

One's that did join were of course close to the ones that started it all, one of them being a female around her age, thankfully they never had to share any of the same classes but if course that wouldn't undoubtally make any difference, her name was Grace, she was presented as the "popular's" as clichè as it sounded whatever she did and said goes, she had money and along with money she also had beauty, those two together created strong popularity practically instantly wich meant whatever she said went, she's known for using everything to her advantage,getting anything she wants and quite frankly anyone she wants.. it almost makes Daniella wonder what she would do of she was in her shoes for simply just a day, would things change, would it all be worth a little bit of fame?
Back on topic Grace has always had her hands full with the boys, flirting her way into their minds and sometimes hearts and they instantly fall for the same trick, being wrapped around her little finger, money and riches screaming from majority of their appearances alone.

Danielle dreadfully arrived at school, taking her sweet time as every little second that passed she wished she could scramble back to bed or the ground would swallow her whole for her to never be seen again.
Finally reaching her dull locker she reached a hand to grab one of her books that were near the back, she didn't have much things stored away in her locker like most, only the basics or spares of things she might need, never bothered in making it "homey".
Not focusing on anything else in her surroundings or who to be exact it came to be a very noticeable surprise as a loud yell of pain came from her lips, eyes clenched shut and jaw clenched as her eyes couldn't help but water from the amount of pressure, opening her eyes as quickly as they clenched shit she instantly moved her gaze to see exactly who had been the cause of the throbbing pain in her fingers, pain spreading quickly from the locker being snapped into her knuckles she didn't feel once ounce of suprise as she came eye to eye with Zach "oh im sorry, didnt see you there" he sniggered "....just fuck off for once.." Danielle uttered under her breath, knowing very well there was no point in fighting back, her teeth clenched together as she was trying to ignore the pain still evidentally getting worse by the minute on her fingers, now spreading to the joints.

"Huh, guess she hasnt learned yet" Jack frowned with a mocking tone "maybe your right, maybe we should keep reminding her until that stupid head of her's starts remembering something so fucking simple" Jonah hummed as he leaned his back against ta locker, folding his arms across his chest as he did, the group of them grabbing her arms.

Down a alley not too far from the school and as usual took it in turns to use her as a punching bag, kick after kick, punch after punch, when they left she could feel she had a nose bleed and a black eye, the dark small bloody trail from her nose to her lip was always a good indicator at that. She always had a black eye and it never healed because it happened every day for the past three years.

The woman stood so small, bruised fingers from earlier working through pockets to use anything to help swipe away the blood that trailed, the offender's long gone already. Bruised fingers finally grasping tissue from her pocket she swiftly but carefully used it to clean up the blood to the best of her ability and once again was late for class.

Quickend breaths, everything's fine, panic evident, somehow attempting to think of even a small excuse of why she was late, quite frankly with the bruising on her face she struggled to think of one on the spot. Cringing as her footsteps were heard throughout the empty halls before finally reaching the door, a familiar dread filling her veins once again before meekly opening the door.

"Hello Daniella would you like to tell the class why your late?" Mrs Smith almost glared at her, annoyance written all over her face, thing is Mrs Smith hated slackers, she seemed to hate students in general, that's what it seemed to Daniella anyways, the glares she always caught glances of from the teacher always probed her point, but if course Daniella being late was never a one time thing, the problem that made it oh so much worse? She hated her just like every one else. "Woke up let, Mrs Smith" Daniella uttered quietly but enough for the strict elder woman to hear, God how she wanted the ground to swallow her whole , "Well then Daniella i suplose you wouldnt mind taking the last seat then since its your own fault" the elder woman almaot sneered down at, "go sit next to Jonah, not like you have a choice, I'm not wasting time in this lesson just for you" Mrs Smith practically scoffed as she continued writing on the large whiteboard among the wall. Body tensing as she found the spare seat easily, gaze refusing to meet anyone's as she visibly gulped, no thoughts coming to mind except for one- fuck.

gulping as she took hesitant steps next to one of the not so innocent men that took part in the cause of her very sore bruises only moments ago , she knows, yet she ignores it like everyone else. "But.." Daniella paused within her tracks with almost hopeful eyes as she glanced back to the teacher in hopes to change her mind before almost wincing at the harsh tone the elder woman cut her off with before the poor girl could even speak "just go and sit down before you waste everyone's time" she rolled her eyes as she checked her watch "she always does" Jack grinned with a cocky smirk on his face as the whole class giggled and laughed, agreeing with him. Taking a deep breath as she walked closer to Jonah , feeling her heart hammer in my chest with nothing but anxiety, along eith the pain that ached from her fingers wich were now a deep shade of red while worst of all her eyes painted a very painful bruise, yet again.

An: a very very much needed update for the first chapter of this story! I first wrote this around 2018? My writing skills and imagination was very poor and admittedly I cringed while fixing this! This deserves a good fix so therefore I'm editing the whole chapters all over again and I hope those who read it before find it better than what it once was!

I also want tk say a big huge thank you to the amount of attention this has received over the years, when I first released this year's ago it was only for fun, litreally with little doubt anyone would read but all of you proved me wrong in so many ways and even though I may not deserve all of the love I am still very very thankful for it even now!
Thank you!

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