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After years of therapy, Dan finally found himself stable enough to leave, with only monthly visits and medication still there. Phil had bought an apartment with him, and they opted to live together and take quiet jobs in the city. Phil still went to classes at the nearby university, but Dan captivated his attention the majority of the time. And they liked it that way.

Troye's music never really took off, and so he moved away with some boy named Jacob. It was quiet, and not something which came as that much of a surprise. He was always a free soul and nobody fought his decision to keep exploring. He kept in touch with Dan, though rarely, and didn't really speak to Phil anymore. He'd given up on trying to smooth things over with Tyler and ended up blocking his number. It was for the better.

Tyler moved into a modest apartment with a few roommates, and quickly became friends with a boy named Connor. They pursued writing books and taking photos together, living a life separate from their pasts entirely. Occasionally, some song or shade of blue would remind Tyler of Troye and he'd feel a small scratch across his heart, but for the most part he was happy.

Dan and Phil were absolutely content with where they'd ended up. Phil had made some friends at uni, so they had small get togethers often. Dan was more open about his mental health, trying his best to keep himself afloat. He found peace in caring for their puppy and writing pretty poetry in notebooks strewn around the house.

the end

a/n sorry i literally had no desire to finish this, but i'd feel guilty if i didn't. i've been so distracted, one of my ap classes is trying to kill me.

anyway, thank you so much for reading. love and appreciate you all. good bye.

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