Chapter 43

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A grim atmosphere enveloped the survivors as they limped to the regroup area right before the stairway that shall lead them to the eleventh floor, the unknown. Tetsuya could no longer muster an assuring smile to comfort those that still remained and he too, was consumed by dread. Following the obliteration of over half of Sullivan's party, it was made so that the only two survivors of that party, Kaz and Marilin, would join Tetsuya and his party to replace the two members that had mysteriously vanished following the activation of a magic trap.      
Amongst those that were still alive, still over half of the original number of the team, a gloomy atmosphere prevailed. As Marsha walked around, observing the crowd, she could feel eyes staring at her. These eyes were sharp and piercing, almost as if they viewed her as being responsible for the numerous deaths. Marsha looked around, unfazed, and sighed.
"Madam," a young knight approached her. "Should we continue on?"

"Of course," Marsha responded with an authoritative glare.

"B-but," the young knight stuttered. "The casualties! The people do not want to continue on!"

"Then let them leave!" Her voice was loud as it echoed in the ruins of the ancient city. "Everyone gathered here may leave at this instant. They may keep whatever they had found, but they shall not be able to claim their award of one Gold."

Members of the expedition team looked around, avoiding making eye contact with the Flora and pretended as if nothing had occurred. They cursed underneath their breath, anxious and waiting for others to make the first move. They didn't want to be the only one nor the first one. They didn't want to be marked with the brand of a coward. A bone chilling silence cloaked the crowd, a silence as if they were all Undead creature that could no longer produce noise. No one moved, and everyone remained static, and when no one appeared to have the intent to be the first to escape, their fate was thus sealed.

"Let's continue on to the next floor then," Marsha announced on a voice audible to everyone. Then, she looked over at the young knight and spoke to him in a quiet voice. "There's somethings in this world that is best left to be unknown."

As the people got up from their brief overnight rest, they sighed with fear and trembled. They checked their weapons and prayed to the dirties. However, when one is shrouded by darkness for a prolonged period of time so deep underneath the ground, one would sometimes wonder if the Gods could even hear their cries from down here. They know the answer subconsciously. If there's Undead residing this place, then the Gods have to authority here. This place belongs to the dead. They realized that they had step foot into the abyss and that the Gods can't help them now. All that could help them achieve salvation and live to see the light from the over world is their weapons, those around them, and themselves.

The team's footsteps no longer carries any high energy, similar to how their low morale has affected them.

"Come on everyone," Tetsuya said with a forced smile after each group had separated into their own respective positions. "On this floor on, we'll be searching for the stairway down." He paused, careful to not let his voice tremble. "We won't have much problems because the knights and more experienced adventurers will be going before us, but if we do find the stairway, we are to fire a flare into the air and let the others know. Sheriel, may I count on you for that?"

"I-I'll do my best," she responded, clutching her staff tightly such that her knuckles appeared white.

"L-let's continue on then."

Tetsuya turned and stared at the dark, forbidding streets. The darkness obscured his vision, and even the light from his torch could not completely melt it away. His eyes darted from one side of the wide road to the other, praying that the wolf they had encountered would not appear once again. Anything but that.

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