MARSHPLE (Fluffy and Angsty)

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"Marsh, where are we going?"

"Somewhere familiar to the both of us."


The mansion lie dead ahead in the night and shone with such an unfamiliar feeling of being watched, yet alluring in a way that would best those who believe in the world changing. They stride forward, knowing he risks they take as they do such.

Marsh would be disqualified, and have no chance of winning the million. But she'd already won something more valuable. Apple's heart.

Marshmallow knew that Apple was not the smartest, and not the strongest, and maybe not a beautiful person in other's eyes. But to marshmallow, she was her everything.

The mansion doors opened as of on command, revealing an old, fixer upper home that was overall very comfortable to the few who lived there. Of course, those who lived there were two ghosts. One in which they knew well, and the other an annoying at best impersonation of the other.

"Marsh? Is this the place where we had that one challenge a while back?"

"Yup! And this is where I live now too! And I was hoping you would maybe... stay with me too? It gets kind of lonely here every once and a while, and it would be nice to have somebody around to... lighten up the mood!"

"Sure! But what does mood mean?"

"It's like an emotion that you feel. Like anger, sadness, lov-"

"What's love?"

"A strong happy feeling towards another person, almost as if you cannot live without them."


Apple looked to the side, then back to marsh.

"Is love a... bad... thing?"

"Of course not! Though some people think so if it's between a boy and a boy, or a girl and a girl."

"Well that's silly! Whatever that means..."

"Hehe! Yeah..."

Silence ensues between the both of them, as the door shuts behind them.

"I think I know what love is now."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, I think that I'm feeling the love you are describing?"

"Oh, for any specific person?"


"Who? If I'm taking you away from them, that isn't right of me. You don't have to stay in the mansion with me if you don't want to. You should go confess to them, they might love you ba-"

"No, Marsh. I love you."


"I confess, I love you too, Apple."

"What does confess mean?"


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