Bickel LEMON

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Quickie A/N:  sorry this took like 50 years I've been doing some other weird shit and life is crazy yk

Anyways this has some minor headcanons for that Alpha/Beta/Omega universe so be aware 

UwU enjoy my shitfest

Kinks: Minor oral kink, Omegaverse, knotting, Fingering, slight backtalk in the form of sarcasm, biting, nipple stimulation.

Nickel is in heat. Baseball helps.

Nickel's POV:

Uhg! Why did it have to be today! Of all the days that I could get my heat, if had to be today! I was supposed to go and hang at the skate park with Baseball today, but I don't think he would appreciate me going anyways. Besides, I don't want him to know I'm an Omega. I did so well at hiding it last season, and I don't want that to be ruined. On top of aaall of that, I have a huge crush on him. So that definitely helps a lot.

Damnit, now I'm thinking about him. Fuck fuck fuck fuck-

Baseball's POV:

Where was Nickel? He should have been here by now? He told me that he was going to meet me at the park later. He might have gotten lost, or maybe went to the wrong park. I don't want to think about what could have happened to him... I'm going to call him.

*ring, ring*


*ring, ring*


*ring, ring*


*ring ri-* "Hello?"
"Oh, hey Nickel! I was just wondering whe-"
"Haha! Just kidding! You can reach me at-"

Damnit Nickel! Your voicemail really gets annoying after you fall for it millions of times! Screw this, it's getting dark. I'm going back to the hotel. He's probably holed up in his room or something.

3rd omnipotent POV:

Baseball slowly walked back to the hotel in which they stayed during the competition. He knew he was getting close due to the lamplight in his wake. His steps slowed as he saw them. Why would he waste his energy going back to somewhere he really didn't want to be? I mean, I guess he did want to see Nickel. Baseball returned to a normal walking pace after remembering why he was going back here in the first place.

——————(Time Skip)——————

Baseball walked up the stairs to the floor where nickel's room was. Most of the rooms on this hall were empty, save for the spread apart ones of the eliminated contestants. Nickel's room was at the very end of this hallway, away from as much people as possible, which was fairly typical of him.

Baseball knocked on the door to his room, and then again. Only at the third knock did he elicit a response from the boy inside.

"W-what do you want?" Nickel yelled out.

"It's Baseball, I'm here to check and see if you're okay. You and I were supposed to hang out today!" Baseball replied.

"No shit. I-I'm fine, just go away. Please," Nickel cursed himself for stuttering so much. He couldn't help what was happening.

"You don't sound good, man. I'm coming in." Baseball hesitantly opened the door to an overwhelming smell. A smell that wasn't ordinary, but a smell that was good. Baseball walked down the mini hallway of the pitch black room. Baseball could see just a bit better than the average beta, due to his evolutionary ranking as an Alpha. He stopped at the foot of the bed, where Nickel was laying, looking around frantically as if he couldn't see anything. He looked very flushed and... wait a minute...

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