Mephone 4 x 4 Fluff

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A/N: Sorry I've been dead, band killed me. My galaxy brain told me to draw a punk version of four (art shown above). He's not punk in this oneshot, I just had that idea. Also literally how do I have this many reads????? Thank y'all so much!!!


They're "humans" (anthropomorphized, some still have unnatural colors) in this one.

Four uses it/it's pronouns, X uses xe/xey in this one

Mephone has anxiety (me too tf)

Anyways enough of my blabbering that you probably skipped, here's the writing:

3rd POV

Today was the day the objects from Inanimate Insanity and Battle for BFDI got together to film their reality shows in a special crossover episode. It wasn't necessarily meant to be such, but Mephone's agent called and said it was going to be happening because of views or something. The conversation was quite boring, however, his agent/boss managed book a day for the objects on opposing shows to meet each other and get to know the other members before the filming started (which would happen the following week). Most of everyone was excited, well, except for Mephone.

He had heard a lot about the other show from reading posts about it online, and of course watching the show itself. It was similar to his own, but with a few subtle changes such as multiple teams and a different sort of elimination system. There was nothing to be anxious about, right? Well, there was something about the host that struck his eye. Maybe it was it's blue hair, maybe it was it's gleaming eyes, maybe it was it's sharp fangs that poked out of the corner of it's mouth. Either way, he had a little bit of an infatuation with it. It's name was Four. Cute, rolled off the tongue, and a little mathematical (as he liked it).

He couldn't wait to meet Four, but he was quite anxious about it. What if he messed up? What if Four didn't want to work with him? What if it didn't like him back? So many variables! Yet somehow, he couldn't wait.

(Time Skip)

It was the day of the meetup. The contestants for I.I. stood in the lobby of Hotel OJ, having recently been renewed. Because of the hotel's existence, BFB had decided that it would be a better idea for them to stay on their set rather than live in tents. Everyone had gathered in the lobby and were decorating for the arrival of the contestants (and hosts) of the other show. Everyone was talking among one another, cliques and alliances all stayed in the same general area.

There was a knock at the door.

Mephone's POV:

I heard a knock at the door, looking up from my phone, which I swiftly pocketed, I walked briskly towards the entrance to the hotel. I swung open the door and smiled.

"Welcome to our hotel, contestants and fellow hosts! Please feel free to look around, and be sure to have fun!" I cringed internally at my statement, but everyone else continued on inside, either shaking my hand, smiling and nodding, or completely ignoring me. The last two to come inside were Four and it's co-host, X. As I shut the door, Four and X stayed close to me. I gave them a look of confusion, to which Four responded.

"Well, I don't really want to talk to the contestants, and you're the only host here that I don't know too well." Four gave me a look, I'm not entirely sure what it was, but I feel like I just got my soul stared directly into.

"Oh, well that's quite alright with me. If you want my opinion, they're all quite annoying to me." At this point, Mepad had walked up behind me and stood next to me. "This is my assistant, Mepad. Mepad, this is Four and X, the host and co-host for BFB."

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