Lightbrush FLUFF

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Art by poothoot on DeviantArt.

A/N I love this ship, it gives me life! Also lightbulb's favorite candy is skittles and nobody can tell me otherwise. She's so bright (pun), sweet (pun), and overall has such a colorful (pun) personality. It just fits her! 

Prompt: Lightbulb invites Paintbrush to a sleepover! 

Implied Fantube btw!

Paintbrush's POV: 

I walked down the hall to Lightbulb's room. She had invited me to have a sleepover with her only a week after the show ended, and by sliding a bar of chocolate with a note that said "you, me, sleepover @ my place on Friday! Bring Cheerios and popcorn! 8) -Your bro, Lighty!"

At first, I really didn't want to go. She and I hadn't talked for a while, and I didn't really want to face my strong emotions for her right in the face. Yeah, I like Lightbulb. A lot. But who could say no to her? She's really sweet and funny, and the way her eyes light up when you say her name. She's just... uhg! I've fallen for her HARD. But there's no turning back now, I'm already at her door.

I lightly tap on the door, and hear something fall over and somebody scramble to the door. The door opens just a crack so that I can see Lightbulb's eye. 

"Close your eyes! I have a surprise!" 

3rd POV:

Paintbrush rolled their eyes and put their face in their hands. Lightbulb grinned and opened the door, pushing them into the room. Lightbulb closed the door and stood behind Paintbrush. Smiling, she took Paintbrush's hands off of their face. 

In front of them was a perfectly constructed pillow fort made of excess mattresses for the floor and walls, pillows for decoration, and a blanket on top for a ceiling. Inside the fort was a ton of different things. There was a selection of movies on dvd, some fairy lights for the aesthetic (who knew how lightbulb got them to work), a giant bowl of skittles (lightbulb's favorite candy), and a cd titled "lightbulb and painty's bizarre adventures". It was in a bedazzled case. 

The two stood still for a few seconds before Paintbrush spoke up:

"I... how did you even... how long did this take you???" Paintbrush ran up to the fortress and inspected it. 

"Oh, it took me the whole week. That's where I sleep now!" Lightbulb laughed and finger gunned at Paintbrush. Paintbrush laughed at her comment, and took a deep breath. They didn't want to be here, but Lightbulb obviously really wanted to hang out. Better to make her happy, right?

Paintbrush entered the cage of pillows and sat down in the corner of the "room", pulling up a blanket to cover their lap. Lightbulb giggled and grabbed the remote to the tv, jumping in with them. She put the remote down and looked at Paintbrush, who was fairly close to her due to the limited room in the fort. 

"So... what do you want to do first?" Lightbulb scooted towards her, a blush just hardly dusting her face. Paintbrush looked down at the space between them, occupied by a bowl of skittles. 

"We could watch a movie?" Paintbrush gestured to the cardboard box of dvds in front of them.

"Cool! What do you want to watch? We could watch... uh..." Lightbrush sorted through the box with a confused look on her face. She dug through the box, rummaging around and looking for a comedy, a romcom, something entertaining! But alas, the box was scattered with sci-fi movies and nature documentaries.

(FLASHBACK, 3rd POV (yes you get context))

"Aaah! Testy! I don't know what to doooo!!!!" Lightbulb dramatically raises her voice to the girl on the other end of the line. Lightbulb paced around her hotel room frantically, no clue what to do about her current problem.

"Calm down, Lightbulb! I'm sure we can find a solution to this! Just let me think for a moment! There must be a logical solution to this conundrum..." The girl on the other line thought hard about their current situation. Lightbulb had invited Paintbrush over to watch some movies. Lightbulb got everything together, every little detail was perfected to create an aesthetically pleasing atmosphere (with the help of a certain scientist and her understanding of the psychological effects of colors). Everything was perfect, but Lightbulb had glossed over one major detail.

She forgot about the movie.

"Oh! Lightbulb! I have an idea! I can pick up some dvds from the grocery store!" 

"They're coming over in ten minutes, TT! We don't have time for that! Don't you have any home videos, dvds, anything that closely resembles a movie?" Lightbulb yelled into the phone in annoyance. 

"I have something that might work. Fan and I used to have our own movie nights sometimes, and we have a collection of our favorites we could lend you for a bit I suppose, just don't get your hopes up." Test tube sighed. "I'll be there in five, so don't go anywhere!"

"Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!" Lightbulb screamed at the phone, and hung up, throwing her phone onto the table (not literally) and thanked Baxter that Test tube had her back.


"We could watch... uh..." Lightbrush sorted through the box with a confused look on her face. She dug through the box, rummaging around and looking for a comedy, a romcom, something entertaining! But alas, the box was scattered with sci-fi movies and nature documentaries.

"Do you really not know what movies you have?" Paintbrush asked.

"No I do! It's just..." She continued to rummage through the box. Star Trek? Probably fan, that show is weird. Only one of them is in here, too. What about Blue Life? Too vague. Is it about ocean animals? Blue parrots? No clue. She would just have to come clean to Painty.

"Sorry, I borrowed this last minute from Fan and Testy and... well...." Lightbulb held up a copy of the movie "Space Balls", along with a copy of an episode of Nature. She looked away, shyly. "Sorry if I disappointed you..."

"No way, Lightbulb! You would never disappoint me! Well, I might be a little disappointed that you didn't check the box of movies they lent you before I came over, but that doesn't mean anything! I still think that's kinda cute!" Paintbrush blushed at their last statement, but hey if they took it back now.

Lightbulb looked up and giggled a little bit, wiping away a stray tear that fell from her anxiety. She set the box down in front of them and hugged Paintbrush. 

"Another reason I invited you over was... Uh... not really for the movies but to uhm.. say that I Uh.. really like you and I just, sorry I think you're really cute and funny and I just, sorry... I like you!" Lightbulb mumbled into Paintbrush's chest, squeezing onto them tight. Paintbrush laughed, falling into Lightbulb's hold.

"I like you too, a lot." 

The both of them say in silence, enjoying each other's embrace. Paintbrush looked down at lightbulb, and kissed her on the top of her head. She giggled and looked up at them. A spark jumped into their heads and they leaned into each-other, closing the gap between their lips. After a few moments of bliss, they separated. Lightbulb scooted closer to them, holding their hand. Paintbrush reaches out to the box and picked up a movie:

"Hey, Lightbulb, wanna watch this one?" Paintbrush shook a dvd case in her direction with the title "The life of the crab;an undersea adventure". Lightbulb nodded enthusiastically as Paintbrush put the dvd in the slot, and began the documentary.


Paintbrush woke up slowly to a shutter of a lens. They opened their eyes, and slowly took in the situation:

Lightbulb was asleep on their chest, with an empty bowl of skittles on her head, leaning her head onto their shoulder. There was a box of old nature documentaries and sci Fi movies at the mouth of the cave/fortress, and there was also a fan, taking pictures of the couple.

"Oh, don't be mad. I made pancakes!"

Paintbrush felt a flick of anger in their hair.

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