Knife x Reader (School AU) FLUFF

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A/N: Two updates in one day? Blue moon update time!!!


Your POV but it's weird:

Finally. School was out for the summer! Well... almost. There was about 5 minutes left, and you were bored out of your mind. You just wanted to relax and spend time with your friends! You were a fairly good student, but sometimes school was just too much for you. All of those mean bullies and absolute morons got in the way of your alone time, and for once you would be free to spend time with your best friend (and crush), Knife.

You both met when the school year started last year. He moved in just up your street, and was in basically all of your classes. From first looks, you didn't really like him. Sure, he was cute, but he seemed stupid and mean. Turns out, he was the exact opposite! He had a tough side, but he was very smart and kind! You were partnered together for a science project at the beginning of the year, and you guys hit it off right away! It was like you were meant for each other! But it seems like he doesn't like you in the way you do...

"Hey, (Y/N)! Pay attention! There's still 3 minutes left of class! You could learn a lot on that time!" Your teacher yelled at you. After they turned around, you leaned over to knife, who was sitting next to you and whispered to him:

"Yeah, I could learn how to fast forward and not have to talk to you ever again!" Knife snickered, and high fived you under the desk. You checked your phone. Two minutes! Freedom was right there! So... close...

You turn and look around at the rest of the class. Most of them are goofing off too. The teacher was trying to get in some last minute fun facts about (boring subject here) or something, and it seemed like nobody else cared either. It even looked like some of them were watching a movie on their phone! Better watch quicker, one minute left!

Everyone began to pack up what was left of their supplies for the summer. The teacher, defeated, allowed this. Moments after you had zipped up your backpack, the final bell rang and everybody ran out of the classroom. 

With your backpack sling over your shoulder, you ran to your bus. But as you exited the school, you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Knife came up and walked besides you. "Do you want to walk home today? It's the last day of school, and it'll be the last time we'll get to for a few months! What do you say?" He asked. You thought for a moment before nodding your head in agreement. You slowed down, and began to walk home with Knife.

(Slight time skip)

You walked along on a sidewalk to your house with your friend, Knife. You both laughed as he did impressions of your classmates. 

"Oh oh oh, do Trophy!" You jumped up and down like a toddler, knowing you both hated him dearly.

"Whoa! Calm down (Y/N)! Give me a second, haha!" You both caught your breath, before Knife cleared his throat and began: "I'm Trophy! I think I'm better than everyone else because I'm sooo hot and buff!" Knife flexed his arms, and continued, "I play like, every sport there is just so I  can flex on everyone! Don't even try and beat me at Fortnite, I'll wreck you so hard you'll forget your own name!" By now, Knife was laughing too hard to continue. You were clenching your sides and stopped walking because you were laughing so hard! These weren't even that funny! It was just so bad in an ironic way!

"Oh my god, you're so funny! Please stop I can't take it!" You were laughing so hard that you kinda forgot to breathe and collapsed on the ground, literally dying of laughter.

"Oh shit (Y/N) are you okay?" Knife came running over to you, kneeling over you and staring at your face. You soon caught your breath, and stared up at Knife. It then hit you how close you two were to each other, and you turned bright red. Knife blushed, leaning in closer to you. You shut your eyes and kissed him. 

A few moments passed before he pulled away, blushing and muttering incoherent apologies. You shook your head and sat up, pulling him in for another quick kiss. 

"Well, uh... I think it's safe now to say that I like you, (Y/N)," he said, standing up and offering you a hand in getting yourself off the ground. You gladly took his hand and stood up, not letting go of it as you both continued walking home.

"I like you too, Knife!" You both walked along the sidewalk for a few moments before he began to talk.

"I'm (Y/N), and I'm the cutest person alive!" 


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