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91 days before.

The one thing I liked about reading was, I got to escape reality whenever I wanted.

But today was not one of those days where I possibly could just curl up and open my book and read peacefully. My best friend, Miles, who has chocolate brown hair, blue eyes and is medium height, was able to climb up the tree outside my bedroom window and let himself in. Then he plumped down on my bed and laughed at me for reading.

"Reading again?" He teased. I jerked my head to glare at him, but he chuckled at me. I narrowed my eyes back down to the page of the book, but only for Miles to poke my foot. I looked up and rolled my eyes at him, hoping he might get the message to stop but of course none of the gears in his brain seemed work fast enough for him to figure it out.

So, he continued to poke my foot until I grabbed my bookmark and slammed my book shut in frustration. My hand found the nearest pillow and I whacked him across the face with it.

"You seriously don't get the whole point of shutup I'm trying to read," I said, crossing my legs to face him. "Alright, so I'm guessing you're bored? Why don't you go and annoy someone else?"

"Damn, Taylor!" He laughed "You know you're my only friend. Others find me annoying."

"Oh I find that hard to believe," I sarcastically replied.

"Hey, you shutup!" He said, throwing the same pillow back at me.

I poked my tongue at him. He did the same back. I gave him the finger. He gave it back to me. I crossed my arms, and he followed. I scowled at him in annoyance, and he copied the look on my face.

"Damn you're an annoying jerk today," I scowled. He was still copying me. "You're being a dickhead."

"No I'm not." He disagreed,

"You are." I flatly said and he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and he did the same back a second later.

☁︎ ☁︎

Monday morning, during period 4 I was stuck in science. Miles and I were in separate science classes but fortunately his class joined mine. The first thing he did while I was sitting at my table writing notes was slide into the empty seat beside me and started poking me playfully.

"Hey t-swizzle," he smirked. I glared at him.

"I told you never to call me that, idiot." I said, before glancing back down at my paper.

"You did not!" He disagreed.

"I did," I said, and he laughed. "Anyway, help me set up for this experiment."

Miles groaned and I rolled my eyes as I went over to the trolley of equipment in the corner and retrieved a Bunsen burner and the beakers and test tubes.

I started to set up the equipment before I went to retrieve two safety glasses. When I turned back to the bench, Miles was leaning against it smirking at me in an annoying but cute way. I showed him the glasses and attempted to throw them at him. Luckily for me, he caught them.

Halfway into the experiment, I pour a chemical I don't really know the name of into the test tube, and settle it into the test tube rack before heading onto the other chemicals.

"Turn on the Bunsen Burner." I ordered Miles, and he raised his eyebrow.

"Um," he started and I scowled at him. "I don't know how."

"Oh gods sake." I groaned, "Next you'll be telling me you never earned your Bunsen Burner license." Miles gave me a nervous look. "No way! You never got your Bunsen Burner license?" I teased. Miles gave me the rude finger.

"You-" he started "will shutup. I failed the test for it. I nearly set the whole science lab on fire."

"I can actually picture it!" I threw my head back in laughter.

Miles scowled at me. "It's not funny!"

I rolled my eyes and turned back around and started back on the experiment. I picked up a two test tubes at random and poured the chemicals into the beaker one by one, settling the tubes back into the rack. Miles came around to my right, picking up his pen and observing the chemicals in the beaker.

No chemical changes when off- I started writing

A horrible smell replaced by something dripping onto my knuckle made me jerk my head up to train my eyes on the beaker. My eyes widened as I realized that the two chemicals mixed together caused a chemical reaction that made it rise over the side.

The chemicals started to spill onto the bench, covering the side of my science notebook. The reaction caused a crowd to stand around behind us. I turned on my heels to find some paper towel.

I raced back and rushed to clean it up. The crowd had cleared away, thankfully.

"Great job," Miles teased.

"You-" I said, copying him from earlier "will shutup and help me clean."

Miles chuckled, his eyes shining in amusement.

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