08 » KISS

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74 days before.

The next day it was pouring outside. But, instead of being outside in the horrible downpour, Miles and I had just managed to get inside right as it started to pour down with rain outside. Miles and I walked towards his locker, while I thought about wanting to slap Fern Andrews senseless.

Without even realizing it, we had arrived at Miles' locker. I stopped myself, bumping into Miles right at the same. Miles laughed at me, but I wasn't laughing. I rolled my eyes in frustration. Leaning against the locker beside Miles, I stared at the front doors of the school building. I waited until I noticed the familiar features of Fern Andrews strutting towards us.

She made eye contact with me almost immediately as she realized Miles and I out the front of Miles locker. Her eyes were trained on mine, and I swear she went pale. She must sense I know. Of course she senses I do, Miles and I know everything about one another.

"Don't do anything stupid." I heard Miles say. I snap my head towards his direction.

"What?" I questioned.

"I know you. You're planning to murder her for what she did. But I, of course, won't allow you. Promise me you won't do anything stupid, please Tay?" he begged and I sighed.

"I won't," I promised.

So much for wanting to slap her senseless.
For the first two periods, I had science. I wasn't with Miles this time.

But, I sure for hell was with Fern Andrews. Fern, always tried to be a good girl at school. Which meant she was as innocent as a lost puppy. Yet, she has the nerve to crush Miles hopes.

So of course, when I entered the science classroom she was sitting in the front seat with two of her friends. She made eye contact with me again when I arrived, and I watched as her eyes followed me until I sat down.

As I placed my stuff down on the table, more people gathered into the classroom. Up until there was enough people to witness anything, Fern peered around and stared me right in the eye. I stared back at her. It wasn't a mean stare this time, but Fern still didn't like me staring at her like that.

"Do you know?" She asked.

"Know what?" I tried to play innocent, but she didn't buy it.

"Don't be so freaking stupid," She hissed at me. "About Miles."

I knew I wasn't going to allow her to speak that way to me, so I said "Oh, you mean crushing the heart of my best friend. Of course I know that."

Fern's mouth went into a straight line of anger. "I didn't mean to hurt-"

"Bullshit!" I cursed. "That's just bullshit, Fern. You knew he liked you, but you decided to hurt him instead."

Fern's face went as pale as a ghost. "I didn't mean to Taylor, I swear."

I rolled my eyes. "Tell me that again when you realize you hurt my best friend."

Fern turned away from me, which was great timing because I was sick of talking to her. But she doesn't give up apparently, because she turned back to me and pointed her pen at my direction.

"You know what I think?" She glared at me. "That you're jealous that he liked me."

"What?" I gasped in shock. "Jealous? Why would I be jealous?"

"Maybe because you like him but he doesn't like you." She critizied.

"He's my best friend," I disagreed. "I don't have feelings for him."

"Hmm, maybe.," she said, tapping the pen against her own chin as if she was thinking. "Besides, Miles would never want to date someone so dumb and childish."

I wanted to snap her neck. At some point I could have, and I would have. Instead, I rose from my chair and leant over her, my blood boiling in anger. Fern leant away from me.

"Want to say that again? I dare you." I taunted.

Fern rose to her feet and smirked at me. "Dumb and childish."

I lost it. My hand connected with her cheek, and I could have hurt her if it wasn't for the teacher walking in on me slapping her. The classroom full of people started cheering, urging Fern to punch back, but being as innocent as a puppy she couldn't do it.


Her fist connected with my eye and I collapsed to my feet, my left hand over my eye. The classroom of people cheered, and besides the searing pain in my left eye, I got to my feet and punched her back.

The cheering must've drawn the science class next door to come see what was going on. Fern slapped me across my sore left eye, which I felt would leave a red mark. I would do something back, if it wasn't for two strong arms pulled me back.

"Oh my god!" Miles screeched. "What the hell is going on?"


Both Fern and I were hurt pretty bad.

I sat outside the principles office, with an ice pack connected to my left eye when the door squeaked open. Fern scurried out, an ice pack held to her jaw. I watched her walk away, up until Miles sat beside me.

"I'm sorry," my voice cracked.

"I don't know who to accept an apology from right now." said Miles.

"I'm an idiot." I accused myself "I should've just shutup. But she taunted me. And then I lost it."

"You're not an idiot, Taylor." Miles never called me Taylor unless he was disappointed with me. "I'm just a little disappointed you got yourself into this mess."

"I'm disappointed with myself more than you should be."

Miles shook his head, his hand connecting with the ice pack where he gently removed it from my eye. His thumb traced along the bruise, gently tracing the line of it. His eyes were staring into my own. My mind was lost on what was going on.

It's as if nobody was there, because something strange happened.

He kissed me.


I really enjoyed writing this chapter ;)

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