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90 Days Before

"So open your eyes and see, the way our horizons meet. And all of the lights will lead, into the night with me. And I know these scars will bleed. But both of our hearts believe. All of these stars will guide us home."

I don't know if this sounds cheesy, but I have movie soundtrack playlists on my phone. And right now, The Fault in Our Stars was the one I have been in love with for so many weeks. I don't know what it is, but the music just helps me concentrate on my homework, maybe because it makes me feel so calm. So, as of right now was the right time to have it playing through my headphones.

I smiled, the pen gliding across the paper as I have almost finished my essay on a book from school-Of Mice And Men- which to my opinion I didn't really enjoy.

I got halfway into my last paragraph when my message tone interrupted my music. I dropped my pen and stared down at my phone screen.

Miles: Open your damn window.

I jerked my head up and turned around, to find Miles standing on a branch waiting for me to open my window. I laughed, rising from the chair and crossing over to my window.

"Finally, thought I'd have to face your mother downstairs."

Here's the thing-my mother likes to make conversation, in which after a while she'll start to blabber on about her life and her current situation at work. Sometimes I think that maybe Miles' mum should just drop him off so she'll have someone to talk to. Besides, my mum has been friends with his since they were teenagers so it would be nice if she would come over every once and a while.

Miles learnt the hard way of the long conversation. He had to listen to my mother talking about something completely boring and not so interesting for about fifteen minutes before I finally saved him from the torture.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear you-"

"-Over your music. Which by the way you get very sidetracked with." Miles pointed out. I rolled my eyes.

"So, what did you want exactly?" I questioned, settling down at my desk again.

"Parents arguing again." He rolled his eyes.

Miles parents fought like cat and dog, and both Miles and I believed they would divorce but it strangely never happened.

"It surprises me they haven't divorced yet," I stated.

"They don't want to divorce. They just fight over me." I raised my eyebrow.

"You? That's a first."

Miles just shrugged. "Doesn't matter anyway. Must be just about my future or something."

I stared at him, not believing him. Miles always acted funny, when he told me his parents were fighting. He never ever told me why they were, except sometimes he would say they fight over the most stupidest things ever. In which, most people do so it doesn't surprise me.

"Was it a serious fight?" I asked. Miles didn't answer me.

"Miles?" I sang. He looked as if the question bothered him. "Answer me,"

He still didn't say anything and I just sat there, in the quiet that overlapped us both. It was starting to get awkward, really fast and I didn't know what to do.

"It was," Miles suddenly said. I jerked my head up and faced him.


"It was serious. But I don't know what it was about. That's all I know." Miles sighed.

I stood and sat beside him at the end of my bed. I put my arm around his shoulder for comfort.

"It's okay," I said. "Parents fight."


So, with Of Mice And men, I read it for school too and I didn't really like it. If it was longer and more happened, I would have liked it.

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