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16 days before (two weeks later).

My mum has recently started dating again. It's not like it bothers me, but I'm just hoping this guy doesn't expect too much of my mum.

By that, I mean I hope he doesn't expect for her to do everything for him like my dad did which resulted a lot of their arguments.

My mum absentmindedly invited him on our usual mother-daughter weekend. When I had to remind her the definition of "mother-daughter weekend" she told me this year it was going to be just a week long holiday, which pissed me off.

I wasn't going to go, but I promised I'd go. Except tonight she had invited him over for dinner without knowing if I was busy, and I was until I had to cancel my plans with Miles.


"How are you?" Mike asked as my mother kissed his cheek.

"I'm great. And I'm sure you've met my daughter," I feel my mum place her hand on my back.

"No I have not. Nice to meet you Taylor. Your mum has told me a lot about you."

All I did was nod, before following my mother into the kitchen.

"Mum," I started "I had plans tonight, why did I have to stay to meet him?"

Mum starts chopping up the carrots as she talks. "I want you to get to know him."

"I only need to get to know him if you're planning on marrying the guy. In which you're not so I don't see why I need to stay."

Mum rolled her eyes. "You're staying, Taylor."

I would admit that the night was actually good but I'd be lying. In my opinion, Mike isn't who my mum claims him to be.

I just hope he isn't like this during that holiday.


9 days before (7 days later).

But oh god was I wrong. Which ruined the holiday. And the only person I wanted to talk to was Miles.

After I'd placed my suitcase in my room, I snuck out the window to see Miles.

Knocking at his front door, I got caught in a five minute conversation with his mum before she let me go see Miles.

I took the winding staircase and found his room at the end of the long hallway on the second floor.

Knocking, I announced it as me. But when Miles seemed somewhat distracted I got suspicious.

"Hey," I placed my arm around his shoulder but he just shrugged me off. "What's wrong?"

Miles ran his hands over his face then through his hair before he groaned in frustration.

"Nothing. I'm fine, don't worry." He rose, and I watched as he started shuffling papers and placing them neatly into piles.

This is not the Miles I know.

"Miles. What're you doing?"

He didn't respond to me. Not until I touched his shoulder gently and he turned to face me. Except his eyes were cold, as if he wasn't the same person. And I froze, scared to death all of a sudden.


Hulloo c:

Short update but oh well. Sorry it's probably boring but it starts what I have planned next chapter also.

The next chapter will be short too but in not next chapter but the chapter after is when the big thing I have planned will happen. Plus it's a big surprise so you'll have to handle your tears.

Hayley ☁︎

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