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78 days before.

At the start of the school week, I walked through the hallways with Miles by my side. This time, nobody bothered to look our way.

"So, what was it like without me by your side all week?" Miles asked right as we approached my locker.

"I'd rather not speak of it," I told him and Miles nodded.

I pulled out my books that I had for homework over the weekend. I threw them into my locker, while Miles went silent. I hung my bag onto the little hook before I closed my locker door and went to lock it. While I did so, Miles leant against the locker besides mine, his eyes trained somewhere.

I followed his eyes, to find them trained on a girl with brown wavy hair and green eyes. She was wearing faded jeans and a white top.

"Miles," I started, "Why're you staring at Fern Andrews?" Miles didnt anwser me.

I nudged him gently but hard enough for someone to return back to reality, but Miles didnt even move. It was like he was frozen, except he wasnt and he was smiling at Fern's direction. My eyes went back & forth from Miles to Fern, and back again. My eyes went back to Fern, who was clueless of Miles staring.

"Miles. Miles!" I shouted, and he flintched.

"Shit!" he shouted back, hitting his head on the locker door.

"You were staring at Fern." I explained, and Miles shifted uncomfortably.

"No I wasnt." he lied.

"Yes, you were," I said. "You know, its very obvious that you have some feeling towards Fern."

Miles laughed at me awkwardly. "No, I dont. I just zoned out."

"Sure, you did" I smirked at him.

Miles didnt have to admit that he had feelings fo Fern Andrews, as it was very obvious. I couldnt get him to admit it, and I knew he wouldn't tell. But even so, he still manages to blush every time I say he likes her, which gives off the vibe he does like Fern.

I dont get why he's lying to me but he's giving off a vibe that he doesnt want me to know.

But I'm not the one to get jealous. He's my best freind, and I dont get why he would think I'd get jealous. I mean, at least I know I'm not jealous because I dont have feelings like that towards Miles whatsover.

At least, I think so.

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