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51 days before.

Earlier today Miles and I went to the park for a little while. The park was deserted so we knew we had privacy. We'd kissed once or twice, and of them one was passionate.

My fingers glided along the keyboard of my laptop, eager to finish this assignment, when I hear the gentle vibration of my phone on my bed side table.

I slide out of the chair, turning on my heels to retrieve my phone. Peering down at my screen, my jaw falls open in shock.

Fern: Passionate kiss. Don't try to deny to me you two aren't dating.

Underneath, the picture of the passionate kiss faced me.

Fern: Maybe the school will be pleased to hear this, hey?

I gulped, I had no idea what Fern was trying to do, but if it was trying to get revenge, she's doing an alright job at it I must admit.

47 days before.

Over the next four days, I'd forgotten about Fern and her taunting text messages out to destroy me.

That was until, on Friday when I walked into the school building, my stomach twisted into a knot at the sight of Fern and her group of friends standing by my locker. Fern's eyes met my own, yet only hers were like a warning; to not mess with her like I did when we'd had that fight.

After second period, I entered the halls to get to my locker when I felt myself being dragged.

Instinctively, I fought to get away. I dropped my books in the hallway, but I didn't care because I was trying to get free.

I was shoved into the girls bathroom, and I heard the door being locked.

When the hand released me, I came face to face with Piper Daniels, one of her friends. Piper's hazel eyes glared into my own, yet I had no idea why she'd drag me into the girls bathroom.

"Move aside, Piper." the familiar voice of Fern Andrews made a shiver move down my spine. Her voice was cold, like ice.

"Fern," I gritted my teeth in disgust. I should've known it was her, she may look like an innocent lost puppy, but she's a cunning, revenge seeking bitch.

"What do you want?" I hissed.

"Oh you know what I want, Taylor." she smirked at me as she said my name, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger in amusement.

"The text messages?" I asked, sounding dumber than ever.

There was a certain sparkle in her eyes as I said that, that gave it away.

"It's illegal to do that," I quizzed her "I could go to the police about this!"

"But you won't, unless you want me to tell everyone about your secret boyfriend," she taunted.

"Why should I be scared of you? You're just a cunning revenge seeking bitch," I growled at her, but all she did was roll her eyes.

"You should be scared of me, because I can ruin your life if I wanted to,"

"Why? Because your daddy is the vice principle? What is he going to do to me?"

Piper gasped in shock as I announced Fern's dad being the vice principle. Fern shushed her and glared at me coldly. She was death glaring me.

"He can get you suspended again," she said "Convince the principle to do so or even expel you from school."

"Not if I tell them first," I disagree.

"Like you will. You don't have the guts." She taunted me again until I lost it once more. It reminded me like the last time I punched her, the satisfaction it gave me.

Fern stumbled back, holding her nose. Blood was dripping from her right nostril.

"Piper!" She screamed. Piper lunged at me, pinning me to the ground. She was strong, but I wonder if she knew I did karate.

I use my strength to flip her over, but she's stronger than I am and keeps me pinned to the tiled floor.

She punches me numerous of times in the face until I feel light headed, unable to fight back. When my vision turns fuzzy, I black out.



We all hate Fern, so guess what! Next chapter Taylor's gonna get her revenge!

Then we won't hear from Fern so much until the book turns from "Before" to "After" what I have planned.

Update tomorrow or Monday if I can :)

Hayley ☁︎

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