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47 days before.

The last thing I remembered was Piper's fist connecting to my face before everything went black.

When I wake, everything's hazy. My head is pounding, there's some sort of ringing in my right ear as if I'd done something to my hearing and my body aches everywhere.

I don't even know where I am.

"Taylor?" the familiar voice says "Taylor, are you okay?" A face comes to view and I find my mother standing over me.

"M-Mum?" I stutter, the ringing in my right ear eases.

"Yes sweetheart, it's me." I search for her hand, and when I do she squeezes it reassuringly.

"W-where am I?" My eyes search frantically around, but I'm still too hazy to know where I am.

"You're at home," she says, moving a strand of hair from my eyes. "What happened? Do you remember what happened to you?"

The memory floods my mind like water can flood an entire state. I nod.

"Can you tell me?"

I shake my head. "She'll kill me if I tell anyone."

"Did whoever 'she' is threaten you?"

"I think. I don't remember much, my whole body aches and I have a pounding headache."

"Alright. Well, get some rest." I nod, and she leaves the room.

I sleep on and off for a few hours, up until I've been awake for hours and I've been watching all of the twilight movies to keep me slightly entertained. I drift off a few times but I wake myself up.

Of course, after school Miles knocks on my bedroom window. He slides the window up and climbs through, giving me a sad smile.

"Hey," he says, settling beside me. "Feeling better?"

I shrug. "I'm not dizzy much now, but I'm still sore."

He gently pulls me closer, trying not to upset my body.

"Do you know what happened? I got a text from your mum saying you were threatened. Who threatened you?"

There's one thing I know, is that Miles needs to know, because it involves him too.

"Fern," I sigh "She saw us together during the holidays. She's been using this as revenge. Today, is it today that it happened?" I ask and Miles nods.

"Well, she taunted me about it, and I kept saying I wasn't scared but she said I should be because she can ruin my life. I asked how, because her dad is the vice principle, then I said I would go to the police but she taunted me again saying I wouldn't, that I couldn't. That I didn't have the guts. I punched her once but her friend Piper Daniels started punching my back for her. I don't know what happened after that because I blacked out." Miles was silent, taking it in.

"We have to go to the police." Miles says.

"What? No! Fern will kill me!" I disagree

"She's basically cyber bullying and physically bullying you. Besides, her dad isn't as powerful as she makes him out to be. Also, she could hurt you pretty bad, mentally and nearly break your bones if she wanted to."

"Yeah, but if she finds out I did that, she'll still hurt me!"

"Not if we go to court or get a restraining order against her as well as her friends."

I shrugged. Miles was right, even if Fern did find out, I needed Fern to stop hurting me. Maybe getting a restraining order against her will make my life better.


Hey :)

This is kinda short but maye I'll do another update tonight.

The restraining order idea will happen next chapter and will be connected to a few chapters further into the story.

Hayley ☁︎

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