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The next day of school went surprisingly smooth, nothing bothered Hera much other than the tease she received from her friends about the fall yesterday, other than that it was fine.

As she was busy unlocking her locker, she hadn't realise Yuta was already standing next to her. "Hey, sorry about yesterday." He said, rubbing the back of his neck in the process. Hera smiled at him, "I told you it's fine, besides Yukhei was there." She added which caught him by surprise.


He asked again to confirm what he heard. "He ditched practice." She said and shut her locker closed. Before they would start leaving, Yuta suddenly grabbed her by the wrist. "Where's your bracelet?" He asked. Confused, Hera looked over from his face and down towards her wrist, which was empty.

Immediately, her eyes rounded. Shocked. She didn't know what to say or how to react. Hera started searching both of her arms and her pockets only to find nothing. "Oh shit—" she grabbed on both of Yuta's hands. "My mum is going to murder me." She exclaimed and started panicking.

"Calm down, maybe you left it at home." Yuta said, dragging her to start walking or they'd be late for class. However, Hera went quiet and judging from her look she was trying hard to retrace her steps from yesterday. "Could it be possible I lost it from the fall?" She spoke out of the blue.

Yuta nodded his head but as she was about to run to the field, Yuta pulled her by the arm. "We can do that during lunch, you're gonna be late." He said and pulled them towards her classroom.

As she entered the classroom she wanted to yell in frustration. Hera took a seat next to her twin, she glanced down at his left wrist next to her, his bracelet was still there. Both were gifts from their parents when they turned ten. They received it from someone who granted them luck and prayers in Rome.

According to their mother, they had that bracelet before they were even born. Both her mother and her father didn't know they'd get twins until that woman called out for them and told them to hand them these as they grow older. She said it had something to do with the god and goddess. Although both Jungwoo and Hera didn't believe that, but they appreciated the gift.

The bracelet was very simple. It had thin, black straps with a gold lining pendant. Jungwoo, with the nickname Zeus, had a lightning pendant. As for Hera, similar to the goddess, had a lotus pendant as Hera was known to have a lotus tipped staff according to Greek mythology. Nonetheless, Hera loved the bracelet very much and she can't believe she lost it.

She slapped her forehead hard for being ignorant. "Are you okay?" Jungwoo asked, weirded out. Hera smiled sheepishly and nodded her head. Half of the day she couldn't focus in class that much as she was eager for lunchtime. As the bell for lunchtime rang, she was the fastest to get up and leave the class. Again, the fact she was doing so weirded out her twin.

Hera didn't wait for Yuta and rushed to the football field immediately. Some students were looking at her as she entered the gym and rushed outside. She instantly went to the spot where she had practice and started looking for any sign of her bracelet. She didn't know how long she had been searching but still she couldn't find anything.

She sighed, it wasn't there. Hera was frustrated, she didn't know where to search anymore. If she truly lost it she was going to feel guilty for the rest of her live. It was a very special gift from her parents and her careless self just had to lose it.

"Are you looking for this?"

Hera turned around at the unfamiliar voice only to find her bracelet dangling from his fingers. She looked over from her bracelet to find a tall guy, who recently became a familiar face to her. "Where did you find it?" Hera exclaimed, a grin formed on her lips instantly.

Yukhei extended his hand to give it to her, as Hera was about to grab it he pulled it back. This time, she knew he wanted something. It was Wong Yukhei anyways. The thought of him asking ridiculous things from her were quite disgusting but she had to bear it since she wanted that bracelet. At that moment, she cursed herself for getting caught in this situation.

"Hmm, I don't think I should give it to you this easily." He said with the bracelet still in his hand as he touched his chin. "Judging from your look, this must be a precious gift." He said as he darted his eyes from her and towards the bracelet, dangling it to tease her. "And a careless girl like you should be punished." He added which sent a shiver down to her spine.

At that moment, she wished she had brought Yuta with her. "What do you want?" Hera asked, trying to sound normal although she indeed wanted to scream for him to get away from her and handed her the bracelet. As if it was his cue, Yukhei started to step closer to her. Hera on the other hand, knew it was pointless if she backed away and tried her best to stay still in her spot.

Yukhei stood very closely in front of her, too close to her liking. He bent down until his face was directly in front of hers. Hera looked away slightly, her eyes were on the field instead of him, she even tried holding her breath, as if it would make him disappear. The male grabbed her left hand and wrapped the bracelet around her wrist before securing it.

This time, Hera was truly confused. The school's most popular boy who flirted with every girl he had a chance to was actually giving her what she wanted. He didn't even try or ask to make out with her like what she expected.

Hera looked down on her bracelet and pulled her hand softly from his touch. "Um, thanks." She said, still looking away. "I keep on thanking you, I don't know how else to repay." She added, to make things less awkward.

"Now that you mentioned it, you're right." Yukhei started and Hera immediately regretted for not shutting her mouth. "I have a way." He suggested. She planned on running away but he was a football player which made catching her was quite easy and plus they were in the same school, he had every chance to bother her.

As he wasn't saying anything, Hera thought she would sneak a look at him. "Since I might get kicked out from the team because of my grades, why don't you tutor me?" He asked, immediately closing the distance between their faces.

Instantly, Hera backed away a bit, startled by his actions. "Tutor you?" She asked as he nodded. "I—" she paused, thinking. "Agree? Great, I'll see you after school." He cut her off before leaving her dumbfounded. For the second time today, Hera wanted to scream. She could tell tutoring wasn't what he wanted, it was probably some kind of trick he was using to have her to sleep with him.

「 ➳ 」
🐾xuxi is the softest and the cutest guy ever istg,, my heart cannot handle this anymore.

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