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Hera expected for Yukhei to immediately cling on her the next day but luckily he didn't. However, she was sure that sooner or later he would find a way, the only thing that was stopping him was the fact she refused to leave neither of her friends' sides. Every time they made eye contact down the hallway, Hera would look away and hid herself a little from his sights.

"What's the matter with you?" Yuta asked as he kept on noticing her ducking from something she saw. Hera looked like a little girl who just spotted a killer clown staring at her. He turned around and followed the direction she looked at just now only to land them on Yukhei and his friends.

"Has he been bothering you?" He asked and Hera looked at him blankly. "Not really, I just feel uncomfortable whenever he stares back." Hera shook her head tried to put those thoughts aside as she shut her locker closed. "So, are you ready for today's game?" Hera questioned as they ascend the stairs.

"Of course I am, as long as you're there." He answered and clicked his tongue. Hera rolled her eyes and chuckled at the comment. "It doesn't make any difference." She replied but Yuta was disagreeing. "It does, you're like my lucky charm. I'd always score when you're there." He added which made her laugh in embarrassment.

"That's because I'm a cheerleader, idiot." She elbowed him softly. "You and your words, is that how you got the girls?" Hera teased him which made the male quiet at the mention of his past girlfriends. "Don't you mention anything about them." He warned. "At least you're the popular Japanese one here, right?" She teased again before dashing into her classroom so he couldn't hit her.

「 ➳ 」

"I'll be there in a sec!"

Hera fiddled with her shoes before heading out into the field. It would be a total lie if she said she wasn't nervous to perform especially after the fall recently. A part of her was afraid it might happen again but she had no choice. She had to conceal the feelings and do her best. It would be a huge embarrassment to the school if their cheerleading flopped.

Before the game started, they watched the home team performed their cheer first and moments later it was their turn. Chaerin was great as the captain as she lighted up the spirit but Hera couldn't help but to be nervous. They performed the cheer as practiced and so far everything went fine until it was the grand finale.

Hera inhaled a deep breath before jumping onto a lower tower formed, she positioned herself stably as she didn't want to fall the second time. The height was increasing as they lifted her up and all was left for them to freeze and pose. She felt as if her heart was going to burst as she was damn scared, but Hera kept on a smile and lifted her leg.

Three seconds seemed like three years and finally she was pulled down. Hera sighed relievedly, she survived and it was time for the games. She caught sight of both Jungwoo and Yuta grinning at her performance. Hera muttered a 'good luck' to them before waving back.

「 ➳ 」

The whole game was quite intense and unpredictable. Just when they thought their school was going to take their third win in a row, the home team beat them to it. Hera could obviously spot the tension between both teams and she had never seen Yuta, the smiling guy, this frustrated before.

It was just 7 minutes before the game would come to an end and both teams were tied. Hera too, was anxious for the first time as she watched them play. She tried to look for Yuta in the field as he seemed to be the most frustrated one, but instead her eyes were locked with Yukhei for a split second. Hera could see that he too, was frustrated with the results and they were desperate to win. She didn't know if he caught it, but Hera threw him a smile anyway.

Unfortunately, the home team managed to score that final goal which resulted in their win. The other side of the bleachers roared in victory. Hera tried not to be too disappointed but she couldn't help to emit the vibe as she caught sight of Yuta looking as if he would kill the opposite team. It was embarrassing as well since they never lose to this school.

She stood up and tailed after the rest of the cheerleaders as it was time for them to head home. "Hey Hera, do you have extra towels?" Minseo asked as they were nearing the gates to leave the school compound. Hera nodded and was about to grab for one when she realised she had left her bag at the bleachers.

"Shoot, I left my bag." She muttered before running to the other side. By the time she got to the field, it was already empty. Only a few people were there, taking pictures or something but most of them left already. Hera went back to where she was seated and saw her bag lying on the floor. Relieved, she took it and headed down the stairs to leave again.

"Hera, long time no see."

Just as she was about to open the door to the gym, she heard a voice calling her. Hera turned around to meet with a player from the opposite team. She knew this one too well as he was always so keen to get her attention. "Did you see me play just now?" He asked, stepping closer to her.

"Yeah, it was great. Congrats." Hera smiled awkwardly, she wanted to escape this situation as all it would lead to was just him trying to ask her out. "We haven't seen each other for quite some time, hmm?" He said, it was only then Hera realised he was already so close to her. He rested an arm against the wall on her right, having her cornered.

At this rate, she was annoyed. She couldn't understand how he was always so determined. "A year isn't that long, Taeyong." She rolled her eyes. "I see, still pulling that I'm-not-interested-in-you card, huh?" Taeyong grinned, this time he leaned closer and their noses were barely an inch apart. Hera looked away immediately.

This time, he truly caught her by surprise as Taeyong had never invaded her boundary she created around him. He had never stepped this close to her before, he really was desperate for her. Hera wanted to say something that would get him away from her but her mind wasn't processing until he was magically yanked away from her.

"Oh Taeyong, when will you stop bothering someone who is taken?" Hera snapped her head towards the voice. Yukhei walked over from Taeyong's side and next to her. "You must be that obsessed to follow me around." Taeyong rolled his eyes. "Who said I followed you?" Yukhei scoffed and casually slung an arm around Hera.

Judging by his expression, Hera could see that Taeyong was slightly confused of the two of them being so close but he wasn't the type to jump into conclusions. "I'll see you again, Hera." Taeyong waved at her slightly before walking to the other side. "Yeah, don't." Yukhei grinned as he waved the other male goodbye.

"Geez, you must be tired to have him following you around every game." Yukhei laughed and looked down on her with his arm still around her shoulders. "I could say the same for you." Those words were supposed to be in her head but it came out unknowingly. "Oh, I see. You don't like me." Yukhei said and removed his arm from her.

Hera pulled her lips into a thin line. "Don't get me wrong, I get uncomfortable around guys easily." Hera said, guilty was what she felt at the moment. "So you do like me?" He suddenly smiled and Hera wanted to punch him. He was acting like an idiot. "I can't say for myself. I don't know you well, Yukhei." She answered truthfully.

"Is that so? Because I do know what I feel for you." He said and leaned closer. Unlike Taeyong, Hera didn't feel like he'd do anything to her. The feelings were mutual so she didn't look away. "And what would it be?" Hera asked, leaning even closer to him. Her move caught him by surprise as well. "It won't be fun if I tell you now." Yukhei said and stood back straight.

"See you tomorrow, tutor."

「 ➳ 」
🐾Just to be clear, Hera is the main girl alright.
Maya was introduced first because I wanted
a different kind of starting hehe.
but hey, you'll never know how the story
would end up right?

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