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If he was connected to a heart monitor, the screen would've displayed a thin line. It wasn't that his heart stopped, it was beating to fast for even technology to detect the tempo.

Every time he closed his eyes, he was taken back to the playground, that night. It felt real each time when he looked at him right in the eyes. He could feel her embrace around his as well, he felt secured with her. However, his thoughts would always drown him in guilt as he reminisced her words.

"I can't prove the sincerity out of it."

Who can? Yukhei was a well known playboy. The title never bothered him but now, he hated it so much. For a second, he could only think of Hera. He wanted to be seen differently for her and for once she actually saw him as another person. Unfortunately, he wasn't careful enough and he just lost her. He can't change what she saw and it would be difficult for him to explain to her. Yukhei can't even explain anything to himself at this moment.

He was torn between himself and who he wanted to be. Luckily, Hera wasn't the type to cut ties with anyone. She would still talk to him but that is, he would have to confront her first. Yukhei asked her out multiple times and she would agree to all of it but somehow he still felt a gap between them.

It was until a fortnight they had been going out when he finally gathered up the courage to confess to her, this time for real. Or at least that was what he felt at the moment.

They were walking together, or rather, Yukhei was walking her home after he tricked her into tagging along with him to a football game. It wasn't a school's tournament, more like a state match. Though Hera was a cheerleader, she had never been to a real game before.

As always, all of his friends were there and she was the only girl in the group. Of course, once in a while she felt uncomfortable but lately, she was starting to feel the joy hanging around them. Most probably because Yukhei would always drag her along with him. At times Yuta would be there, but not always.

"Come on, you have to admit. You had fun." Yukhei slung an arm around her shoulders as he pulled her closer to him. "You had fun Yukhei, I didn't even understand when you guys started calling out the players' names along with their false tactics and whatever." She rolled her eyes and playfully elbowed him.

As they were walking together, there was a small fun fair going on and again, Yukhei just had to drag her to it. Hera was already used to his childishness. Fortunately, she enjoyed fun fairs too.

Luckily, it was only starting get dark at that moment, so Hera had a few hours before her curfew. The two started walking around the fun fair, playing shooting games and getting on short rides that was available there. Again, at some point, Yukhei was being competitive especially after he lost a game against her.

"I demand a rematch!" He insisted but the girl ignored him and walked forward. "What's the point if you're going to lose again?" She chuckled and tried to escape from the rematch. Yukhei was strong, he could pull her swiftly so she had to run.

"I'm not going to lose! You're scared aren't you?" He said, unfortunately being able to catch up with her. His long legs were an advantage to him. "No I'm not, I just don't want you to cry when you lose again. Come on, I'm hungry—" Hera was about to walk to her right when Yukhei pulled her by the arm playfully.

He was scrunching his nose like a little kid who was dissatisfied with his ice cream. "Who said I was going to lose?" He asked, crossing his arms. Hera rolled her eyes at his attitude, but she couldn't help to laugh. "That fortune teller over there said so." She said and randomly pointed to a fortune telling shop she just saw.

"Alright then, let's ask." Yukhei said and pulled her by the hand with him. At least, she managed to escape the rematch. "You can't be serious." Hera scoffed but then Yukhei started teasing her about being scared and eventually they went inside the booth. The two of them sat across the fortune teller with a crystal ball in the middle on top of the table.

The woman told them to pick a card but Hera was truthfully creeped out by the set so Yukhei did as told. He picked a card and turned it over. The word 'mi amor' was written. It wasn't exactly what she thought would be tarot cards but the design on the cards were quite similar. Again, Hera couldn't tell if this whole thing was a scam or not. She was more concerned of what might popped out of the curtains.

"Ah, you picked a very rare card." She said and instantly Hera snapped her neck towards the woman. She didn't know if she should believe her words but she would do anything to leave the place very soon. "Most couples who came mostly received the card that would say they wouldn't last." She gave a crooked grin which crept out Hera even more.

"It said that you would last forever, given that both continues to respect each other. However, lies and deceits are what would tear you apart. Love isn't easy, sacrifices are always needed."

After what seemed an eternity, the two finally left the booth and Hera could finally breathe. "That was creepy." Yukhei commented innocently. "Don't ever make me go in there, and you're not getting a rematch." She stuck her tongue out at him and walked ahead.

"Come on, you can't be mad at me. The woman said we would last forever." Yukhei chased after her and slung an arm around her shoulders, he then pulled her to his side and kissed her quickly on her temple. This caught her by surprise. He rarely does that but when he does, it would always make her heart skip a beat.

"Mi amor, is such a nice thing to call you. I'd do that more often now." He teased which made the girl flush in embarrassment. "If you go around calling me that I'd kill you." Hera warned him as she tried to glare at him but unfortunately, she failed to scare him. "Of course, mi amor." He grinned.

「 ➳ 」
🐾 lo siento is stuck in my head
someone get it out!

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