Meet Her

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Anna's POV

"Marry me."


He looked at me like I had grown three heads and extra limbs. I can't blame him though - Years of barely speaking to one another, then suddenly this?

How did I find myself in this situation?

I'm also not a hundred percent sure. I just know that when I heard of the dilemma my family found itself in, my mind automatically thought of him and his expertise.

I need this. I need him


I've always been the diligent child. I followed my parents rules, didn't get in trouble in school, got good grades, a stable job. I hated my first job but didn't quit that until I had another one, because my family would not support an unemployed child.

My family owns a large private construction firms in the country, based in our province just south of the Metro. The location is ideal because most of the government contracts we get are in that area.

My grandfather, who I adore very much, had been asking me to join the firm. However, having no background in that business, I didn't feel like I could contribute much - I was a finance person, not a contractor.

Eventually, I found a job in my preferred field that allowed me go abroad for training.

Europe! Do you know how ecstatic I was? I thought I'd only get to travel there in my forties, but in my mid-twenties, I was living there!

That's when I met Marco.

My cousin told me to contact him in case of emergencies, but eventually I found that I liked chatting with someone from the Philippines. After a couple of weeks being the only Asian at the office, I found myself homesick, and started a conversation with him.

Initially, I planned to just introduce myself, but then small chats here and before I knew it he was inviting me to a tour of the city.

He's cute and lean and very tall. At 6'4", he was a full head taller than I was. Also, extremely intelligent, graduating with honors from a top local university, he was immediately hired by the company he is still with.

What I quickly found is that the guy is a jerk, often putting me down for not knowing about how to "act" in Europe. At first, I brushed it off, but I put my foot down and called him out after he got so rude to me.

Anyway, fast forward to now.

I moved back from after a couple of years abroad when my grandmother asked me to. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and everyone thought it best to be close to her and enjoy whatever time left we would be given.

Last month, she passed away, finally joining my grandfather in his rest.

As the estate was being settled, an issue came up: my uncle, who runs the firm, needs to take a break, as advised by the doctors. The problem is, his only son just got into high school and no one else can take over the business. The company is still family owned and it was my grandfather's wish to not have outsiders have control over it. Only family members, or their spouses, can own or run it.

Archaic, I know, but it was a wish we tried to fulfill, even investing our own money when needed. Well, among us, I seem to have been the most dedicated because I now own most of the stock.

"Hija, maybe you could run the business?" My uncle and parents ask.

I didn't want to.


If this folded, it would affect the family... and the 50 year old ice cream shop that my grandparents built, which is now solely funded by the firm.

I loved this place! I'm here now gazing at the newly purchased freezer, a few tables for customers and a small cashier's corner.

I used to stay in the province over the summer to live with my lolo and lola and they would take me to this shop and run errands like clean tables, fold napkins and place them on the holders, scoop ice cream...

The shop is much smaller than it used to be but still had a steady stream of customers. But I knew it hasn't turned a profit in years.

Without the firm, the last thing I had from my grandparents will be lost.

So, I need to make sure that the firm will survive.

I told my Uncle I agreed to take it on, but one week on the job and I knew I was in over my head. I needed someone who knew these matters.


"And you randomly thought of me," Marco said, sitting back. "That's stupid."

"I'm desperate, in case it's not obvious yet. And I need help from someone who won't screw me over."

"How do you know I won't? You barely know me.


I got him with that, I knew. He loved Philip like a brother and I knew when Philip set up this meeting with Marco, he mentioned that I needed help and if it wasn't too much, Marco should help me.

Pulling his hair, "But marriage?!"

"I can't get you in the company otherwise!"

"Outside advisor?" He suggested.

"I need someone to be there day-to-day."

"So, you want me to give up my life in Europe, move back here and be your assistant. No."

I needed him to say yes. I've looked at my options over and over, if not for my devotion to my grandparents' wish, I had alternatives. But, I didn't have the heart to... so, panicking, I asked,

"What do you want then?"

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