Reality Bites

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A week into this and I was getting acquainted with Marco's different sides.

One, the workaholic Marco.

The guy was working every chance he got. He would during meals, car or train rides, while waiting in line - everywhere he could. He would be checking and responding to emails and calls, or writing down what he could when he could.

I wasn't complaining. Seeing him this driven meant that it would benefit me and the firm and I needed that.

Two, the boyish, playful Marco.

He loved teasing me and getting me all riled up just so that he could laugh out loud at my expense.

I didn't complain either. This side to him was rather endearing and I had to admit I like this Marco a lot. This trait was something I saw in my cousin, Philip, and something I never thought Marco was. I had always assumed Marco and Philip were opposite ends of the spectrum, but Marco having this playful side was definitely a positive.

Three, Marco who had a stick up his ass.

He would get impatient when I took some time to figure out the machines or just to pay for my share of the meal.

"$5.75 yung sa'yo."

I would get the exact amount but while counting my pennies, he would roll his eyes.

"Ang tagal naman. Ako na nga magbabayad."

Eh di okay, maraming libre for me.

He would also throw an annoying look when I would look around the area "too touristy" for his taste. "Ang turista naman," he would comment when I want to stop by a souvenir shop.

"Bakit ba? Eh turista naman talaga ako."

I got so fed up with him rolling his eyes, I told him one time, "Isa pa, sige. Dudukutin ko yang mata mo."

He was stunned at that. Then, he laughed.

And when he laughs, I've lost the argument. Because, I adore his laugh.

He laughs like he hasn't laughed in years and it seems like there are things I say that he just finds hilarious.

He leaves me in peace to look for magnets and keychains to bring for people back home. When he meets up with me at the cashier, he shows me what he got as a peace offering.

Shirts in our size that says, Married in Vegas.


"Anna," he called me one night, just before I drifted off.


"I need to be back in Brussels in ten days. Something came up with my project there."

I nodded sleepily, his comments barely registering in my head. "Okay."

"Are you okay to fly back home in a couple of days?"

"Huh? Wha - why?"

"Maybe it's best if we told our families already before I fly back to Belgium and wrap things up there? If we wait until next week, like we originally planned, I'll only have two days in Manila."

A few days later, we were flying back to the Philippines.

I kept on fidgeting with my rings as I looked out the window. (By the way, we found that we didn't have to argue about seating arrangements on the plane because I preferred the window seat  and he preferred the aisle. Finally, something that worked for us)

"You okay?" he asked.

I nodded, but admitted I was worried. "I just... I don't know. I'm sorry for dragging you into this."

"Pfffttt. I agreed. I wasn't a victim in this arrangement. I just hope it works out the way you plan it."

"I'll give you the annulment as soon as I figure it out," I promised.

Marco rolled his eyes. "Don't think of that first. We have to act like a newlywed, crazy-in-love, passionate couple that's why we eloped. Thinking of the separation now won't help. Okay?"

"Okay," I smiled.

When he turned back to what he was reading, I asked, "Why are you being so nice?"

He was quiet for a little while and that allowed me some time to look at his profile - big, brown eyes; a strong, straight nose; perfect cupid's bow lips, high cheekbones; he was tan because of the nature of his work, but I knew that he used to be fairer... he could truly pass off as a model.

Life is unfair, matalino na , cute pa. I thought. No wonder I developed a crush on this guy a few years ago.

"I agreed to do this with you, so I figure, I'm your partner in this for as long as we're in this situation. I know you see me as a jerk, but I'm a good business partner. I would want you to have more issues to deal with," he explained. "Stop saying sorry to me na, ha? Like I keep on telling you, I agreed to this and I'm getting something out of it. Okay na ba, Partner?"

I nodded appreciatively. "Yes, Partner." We gave each other a high five.

"I worry for us though. I wonder how your family will react. Philip might kill me."

I thought about it. Philip was my cousin on the paternal side and that would be a tough conversation, but it was my mother's side that I worried about. They were the ones who ran the firm. They were the ones who needed to buy into this. After assuring him that Philip would not cause us trouble, I added, "My family would support us. They just need to know that I'm happy."

"Huh? Ganun lang?"

I smiled. "Yes, ganun lang." I paused. "Ikaw? Your family?"

"I'm really not close to my extended family so there's just my mom and sister. I don't think that would be a problem though especially because this would ensure that I'll be home for awhile. Besides, my mom has been begging me to get married for awhile now."

I fell into a restless sleep soon after that and when I woke up, we were scheduled to land in over an hour.

We sent word in advance to my parents that I needed to speak to them privately, so they would be meeting us at a one-bedroom condominium unit I had in the Metro.

Marco and I had only a few minutes to freshen up when the lobby guard called to inform us that our guests were on their way up.

"Hi, Anna!" my mom greeted me with a hug. I kissed her and my dad on the cheek, just as Marco went out of the bedroom. They looked confused and then gave me a frown. "Anna? Who's this?"

"Umm, mom, this is Marco. Siya yung childhood friend ni Philip based sa Europe?"

"Oh, okay," was all my mom said, still confused.

"Mom... ano kasi... umm..." I stammered to get the words out.

Marco stepped forward and took my hand. Clasping it close to his chest,  he took over, "Tita, Tito... Anna and I got married po in Las Vegas. I'm really sorry if we weren't able to -"

"Married?!" My mom dropped to the closest chair, while my dad looked like he was trying to swallow all the curse words he wanted to spit out. "Married? I didn't even know you were dating."

"Yes, Mom, I... I'm sorry."

"Marco, hijo," my mom said in a stern voice I've never heard her take before. "You better get food and refreshments. We need to talk and this will take a while."

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