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Note: Dialogue will be mostly in English but with some Filipino in it.



"Anak, haven't you considered coming home for good?" My mother asked one Christmas.

My sister was off to college that year and mom was left home alone on most days. She was busy with our small construction business, which I helped her with long distance, something she inherited when my father left us years ago.

She had been bugging me to come back and settle in Manila for years now.

"Haven't you had enough of Europe? You've lived there long enough to travel everywhere. Come home na."

"Mom, anong gagawin ko dito? Workwise, the Philippine office won't give me as many experiences as I can get if I stay abroad. Besides, I've been away too long, I don't know if I can live here again."

She would roll her eyes at me then. My mother hated it when I acted like I wasn't born here. But, like I said, I can't imagine moving back. Everything seems slower in Manila; I can't deal with how much time is wasted in traffic and people being chronically late; and the work opportunity for me here is just too limited.

But, my sister was accepted to an internship in the US and begged me to come back so that our mother won't be alone. I was already considering this move when I met Anna.


There were so many questions in my mind. The proposition sounded stupid. I knew she wasn't thinking straight. "What if I say no?"

Her shoulders dropped and she avoided my gaze. "I guess I could ask someone else. There must be someone out there who won't be so averse to having me for a bit."

That got me.

One, I was horrified to think she would proposition someone else because she might get herself in danger. Two, I was surprised at this vulnerability. My impression of her has always been a confident, quiet person that opened her mouth to prove she was a wise-ass.

Philip. I'm doing this for Philip, I thought.

I told her my conditions.

"Half of your stock ownership."

Her eyes bugged out. "But-"

I held up a hand to stop her. "Let me finish." When she bit her lip, I continued. "I won't sell it outside. When we end our contract, you can buy me out. But, for the time being that I'm with you, I want half of what you own to be transferred to me."


"Whatever we earn during the marriage, we'll split in half when it ends. What we had before, remains separate."

She nodded.

"Let's elope to avoid questions before we do it."

"Yes, that seems okay."

"I'll arrange it with my friends abroad. We'll marry there."


"Love would not be part of the vows, but I demand loyalty."


"One last thing."

She looked at me. "What?"


"H-huh? Obviously wala!"

"Daya. Marriage walang honeymoon? Ano yun?"

She searched my face and stuttered a reply.

But I laughed. "Gahd, Anna! You should've seen your face!"

Realizing I was messing with her, she threw a table napkin at me. "You jerk. Kinabahan ako!"

I was holding my sides, which hurt from laughing so much. "We're still going to have to kiss at the ceremony though."

"Ha?! Why? Pwede bang wala nalang."

"Nah. Masyadong obvious. Lagot ka, magaling pa naman ako magkiss."

She raised an eyebrow at me. "What?! Who the hell declares that he's a good kisser?"

"Me. To you. Unless you want a preview."

"No. I'm fine."

I gave her a smug look. "Okay. You'll find out soon enough I guess."

She gave me an incredulous look, which was quickly replaced with a one showing her realization. "So, you're going to do it?"

"I thought it was pretty obvious."

"Are you sure?"

I exhaled loudly. "No. To be honest, I think we should call it quits as soon as we see a better option, but for now, I'll do this with you."

"Thank you." She gave me the most grateful smile I've ever seen.

"Two years. Maximum," I said, thinking my sister would be back by then. "I'll teach you the ropes, so please pay attention, okay? Hindi pwede tanga."

She rolled her eyes but didn't say anything.

We made arrangements for her trip and papers we needed to get married abroad, preferably Las Vegas. She was very efficient and methodical and in the next three hours we had an execution plan.

"Okay, so I'll see you in a few weeks?" She said.

"Wait, one more thing. Shouldn't I get you an engagement ring?"

"Pffffttttt. Ano ba yan. I'll just get from my jewelry."

"No. Ano kaya yun?! Halika na. There's a jeweler here."


She picked out a cheap one. "Let's just get one of those silver ones! It's not real anyway!"

I rolled my eyes at her. "I know that, but why does it look like I'm more invested in this than you are?"

"It's not that. Sayang lang kasi. I don't want to be spending when we don't have to," she explained.

I sighed. Trying a different tactic, I said, "Look at it this way. Think of it like you're buying your own jewelry, and the stock I get is payment for what I advance now. Okay?"

That seemed to make sense to her so she happily picked out our wedding bands first, then her engagement ring.

I saw her eyeing a cushion cut, halo diamond engagement ring with diamonds on the band, but chose a simple gold band with a solitaire diamond.

So, being the fantastic future husband that I am, I got her the cushion cut.

When I gave it to her just before we parted, the surprise on her face and the beaming smile she gave was worth every cent I spent.

I'm doing this because I love Philip like a brother, I told myself.

But, drat, I have to admit, this girl's smile is precious and I'm taking a liking to it.

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