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"Mr. Landers! I didn't know you were here in Manila," I greeted enthusiastically.

John Landers was my boss and former mentor in Europe before he moved back to the US headquarters. I adored this man's brain and learned so much during the time I spent working for him.

"Marco, how have you been? Married life is treating you well, I see."

"It is. We're doing very well. You wished to see me?"

Weekend meetings were highly unusual even for our company, especially since I didn't expect anything from the headquarters. John emailed last week saying he wanted to see me, so we set up a meeting at one of the hotel restaurant in Makati.

"Two things. One, we'd like to invite you back to Brussels. Your last project there was awarded by the local government and we wanted to present it to you and your team during our year-end party. Bring your wife," he stated.

"Wow! Thank you so much! Yes, yes, I can fly back. Let me know when this is so I can check with her."

"Good, good. And maybe we could give her a good enough impression that we could convince her to move back with you to Belgium."

I frowned. "Sorry? What do you mean?"

Mr. Landers explained the second reason he wanted to see me: that the current head engineer wanted to move to a role in the United States and the Country Director of the Brussels quarters wanted only me to replace him. They were embarking on a project that would convert structures to house sustainable environment friendly initiatives of the company and management had me in mind to head this because I had conceptualized this a few years back.

I was overwhelmed and very excited. But, what about Anna? I knew she would relocate because having her family around was very important to her and I don't have the heart to take her away from that when they so obviously adore her as well.

But would I have the heart to leave Anna? Ngayon palang hindi na ako makatulog kapag wala siya?

"Think about it, Marco. You've been away for almost a year now. Maybe you're ready to come back?"

"I'm open to it. You know that project is important to me... but let me think about it... there are some other factors to consider."

"Of course. Let's discuss this further when you get to Belgium? I hope that you can attend at least the awarding ceremony."

I'd have to speak to Anna but didn't really see a problem with it. We hadn't taken a trip also so it would be a welcome break. How would we do on a vacation kaya? Nakaka-excite. Sana magkasundo pa din kami. Ang tagal na pala namin magkasama.. one year... who's have thought?

Wait. What? One year? I checked the date. Tomorrow would officially be our one-year wedding anniversary.


I was so nervous because I've never done anything like this before.

I've had a girlfriend for two years, Natalia, and though she is probably the only one I'd consider as my greatest love (baduy mo, Marco), I never planned surprises for our anniversaries or even her birthdays. Gifts, sure; surprise celebrations, no.

But, with Anna... I don't know. I like making her smile. She's not the most enthusiastic person I know, okay? One time, I randomly brought her flowers when I found her really stressed at work. You know what she said?

"Ay. Oh okay. Thank you." She kissed me on the cheek and turned back to her paperwork. Was I hurt? Nah.

At first, I would get annoyed and tease her to get a better reaction. But, I noticed that even if she wasn't spouting praises, she would stare at the arrangement and then smile before reading again. She's like that with most things, whether it be a happy or sad emotion. Outside, you'd think she was calm or even indifferent in taking it in; but I learned she feels the deepest pain when hurt and happiest of joys.

I also discovered that my Anna loved giving gifts. Whenever we would visit her family or mine, she would always have food or what not for them and there's always pasalubong for her nieces and nephews. She didn't care that they didn't need one more book or toy, she just needed to be able to give.

She used to give me stuff, too. When I hosted her in Brussels, she sent over wine which I stupidly rebuffed telling her not to bother. She got offended and from then on never sent me things. Which was fine because in my mind, I just didn't want to hassle her.

When we got married, she once gave me a carry-on luggage after a trip ruined mine. Know what I said? "Thank you pero sayang, this is not one of the good ones."

I later on found out that she had personally been going to the shop to reserve and check and finally pick it up for me.

But, I found out, a portion of her salary is set aside for the funds she uses for gifts and another to be donated to her grandparents' ice cream shop.

That's why she's careful with her purchases even if she earns a lot.

Since then, I was more careful with her, showing appreciation for the little gifts she brings. She never creates anything because, according to her, "I have no artistic bone in my body. Anything I make by myself will just look like trash."

Today, I had a special surprise for her.

Dinner at her most favorite place in the world: her beloved ice cream shop.

I had the staff set up her window seat with fairy lights around, a simple table for two and her favorite meals on the menu tonight and her playlist on loop. The staff did not know me but were willing to help because it was for Anna.

"Marco?" She walked in, surprised to find the venue set up like this.

"Hi!" I shrugged like a dork on his first date, rubbed my ear and held out the flowers I got for her. "Happy Anniversary!"

She looked genuinely shocked. "You remembered!"

"Oo naman!" I lied. I remembered a day before... so yeah. Lusot.

"But I didn't bring anything," she said, apologetically.

"Don't worry. Okay na that you're here."

As usual, conversation that night was spectacular and covered so many things. I am constantly amazed at how smart this girl is. I never hesitate to bring up topics on science, economics, business and I was sure that she can carry that conversation- either she knew about the issue or would ask questions so that she could understand.

As a gift, I gave her our ticket to Brussels and explained my conversation with Mr. Landers - well, just the first part. I wasn't quite ready to tell her the rest yet.

"Oh my! Congratulations, Marco! That's major! I'm so happy for you."

"So, payag ka? We can go?"

"Yes. I'd love to join you."

When we arrived home, we briefly parted for our nighttime rituals but I joined her in bed soon enough.

I couldn't sleep so I lay there until she drifted off and headed back to my room to get a book. On my desk, I found a wrapped present with a note. Opening the box, I found matching Rolex watches engraved with our wedding date.


Last year, you got us those couple shirts in Vegas. This year, I thought we could have something more special because we made it this far in spite of everything. I won't be cheesy but I hope you know how thankful I still am that you agreed to this.

I adore you,

Going back to her room, I hugged her then kissed her head while she continued to sleep. I doubt you'd agree to move to Europe with me, but how can I leave you?

I slept fretfully that night, hating that thought but slowly accepting that someday soon, I would have to let her go.

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