Separate Lives

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What do you do when you get your heartbroken?

Well, for me, you fly to Cebu.

I had a whole day free before my meetings started so I spent it all day in bed, watching online streaming of the most painful movies I could (so that I had an excuse to cry), or the sappiest movies where the guy always, always chose the girl because I would never have that (then I would cry again).

By the afternoon, I sent a message to my sister to tell her what happened but that I wasn't ready to talk. I knew that news would reach my mom before the day was through.

Then, I told my best friends since High School for moral support. I just needed people to say that he was a jerk, it's his loss and other words to get me going again and to feel like these people had my back no matter what. Well, my family would give that, too, but I was deferring talking to them until the end of the week. So, for now, I enjoyed my friends' messages that

"What a jerk! I can't believe he did that!"

"Hay nako, Anna, you're better off. Hayaan mo nga siya."

That was coupled with a promise to accompany me to the salon to have my hair and nails when I get back. Because, of course, every woman who got her heart broken deserves to be pampered and feel beautiful again and the salon was a quick fix. Long term healing would come but a salon session was what I needed now.

Speaking of quick fixes, I decided to also delete our connections on social media. I didn't take photos down - he was, after all, a part of my life and nothing would change that but the less updated I was the better.

The only thing I deleted was the photo I posted when we got married. The one he coaxed me into doing so that we could be "Facebook official". Well, we're Facebook Officially separated now.

That caused another round of tears.

Expectedly, the following day, I attended the conference with swollen eyes from so much crying. Though I tried to my best to be accommodating to everyone who wanted to chat, I kept mostly to myself, reading and going through the notes given out and then retreating to my room after.

Philip sent a text message that night. "I got you, little one."

"Anong ibig sabihin nito, Philip?" I asked, calling him.

"Naghiwalay daw kayo ni Marco."

"Oo," I said, trying not to break down again for the nth freaking time.

"Ginanti na kita."

"What?! Philip! What did you do?"

"Grabe ka magreact akala mo naman pinatay ko," Philip protested, to which I had to chuckle. "Sinapak ko lang."

"Ha?! Philip! Is he hurt?!"

"Natural! Sinapak ko nga eh. Pero buhay pa naman. May malaking bruise lang sa may panga. Hayaan mo na."


"Kahit ilang beses mo sabihin yung pangalan ko, wala ng effect yan. Nasapak ko na at hindi ako magsosorry."

I paused. "I don't condone what you did. But... thank you."

He only grunted and dropped the call soon after a curt, "Bye."

It was true, I don't agree with what Philip did but to be honest, it made me feel a little better.

When I was headed home, I was fretting the whole ride. There was a part of me that hope against hope that he stayed and would ask me to take him back. Another part hoped he was just gone because I couldn't face him yet and I was still hurting.

Yours... for now.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon