The Real End - For Always

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She’s beautiful, not like she was ugly on other days because she was like a Queen every day that I have seen her. She sparkled in my eyes and made every single minute of this wedding even more perfect than ever. I could have cared less about the plenty of people who came to our very small wedding, all I saw was me and Amina standing at the alter making this long lost love into a marriage. She stood there and smiled as her eyes sparkled at me.

“Trevon you hear me?” the minister said and I looked at him and cleared my throat.

“My bad, I was just lost in her eyes,” I smiled and everyone smiled and Amina just blushed.

“Well let’s focus just for one second okay?” he asked and I nodded my head and held her hand smiling, “Trevon, will you have this woman to be your wife, and will promise your life to her in all love and honor, in all duty and service, in all faith and tenderness, to live with her, cherish her, according to the ordinance of God, in the holy bond of marriage?” he asked and I looked at Amina and smiled.

“Damn right,” I said and everyone gasped before I realized what I said in front of the minister, “I mean I will. Sorry about that pastor.” I apologized and he shook his head.

“Amina you got a good one,” he joked and she smiled, “Amina, will you have this man to be your husband, and will you promise your life to him, in all love and honor, in all duty and service, in all faith and tenderness, to live with him, and cherish him, according to the ordinance of God, in the holy bond of marriage?”

She smiled, “I will.”

“Who gives this man and this woman to be married?”

My mom stood up and smiled blowing a kiss to Amina and me then Bryah stood up in the first row already having tears in her eyes.

“We do,” they both sobbed which already made me have tears in my eyes.

“Marriage is not something that two people invent, or construct by themselves. It takes a far wider community of family and friends to make any marriage work. Each of you have been invited her today because you are a part of that community. Therefore, having heard Trevon and Amina state their intentions to each other and to God in this Service of Marriage, do you, pledge to support their union and to strengthen their lives together, to speak the truth to them in love, and with them to seek a life of love for others?”

“Yes,” the whole room erupted and we both smiled.

“Damn right!” one yelled and Amina just burst out laughing shaking her head.

“Support is the number one thing in this marriage and they want all the right people to support them and that person right there will be there forever. Now the vows,” he said and I looked down at Amina’s right hand and held it in mines.

“I, take you Amina, to be my wedded wife; And I do promise and covenant; before God and these witnesses; to be your loving and faithful husband; in plenty and in want; in joy and in sorrow; in sickness and in health; as long as we both shall live.”

Then Amina took my right hand and took a deep breath and smiled at him.

“I, Amina, take you, Trevon, to be my wedded husband; and I do promise and covenant; before God and these witnesses; to be your loving and faithful wife; in plenty and in want; in joy and in sorrow; in sickness and in health; as long as we both shall live.” Tears started to stream down her cheek and I took the handkerchief from my pocket and pat her tear away.

The pastor passed the ring and I slid it onto her finger, “This ring, I give you; in token and pledge; of our constant faith; and abiding love.” I just couldn’t hold it anymore, tears were starting to come out of me, I was getting married.

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