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"My Princess! I don't care even if your a guy. I swear as a prince of this kingdom, i will so oathfully love you and only you! So please come out!"

"Saintess! Saintess! We shall proclaim to protect you and no men shall ever taint your holy body! As the leader of MC(Maiden's Cult), we shall honor you of removing the filthy thing that is attached to you and reborn as a true maiden... "

"Ahahahaha! First, you got into a fight with me last night and defeated me while i was defenceless. Now, you cower in this town and pretend it never happened? I, the demon king shall not have my pride be taken away and will not stop finding you! Just you watch..."


As the town i began living in, turn into chaos...

A full suited knights and a young nobleman who was the prince of the kingdom, searching for his lover...

A cult of women, led by a woman who was so zealous of her search for their saintess...

A demon who diguised as a man, was looking for the person who attacked him last night...

And me, the person who cause all this...

Why did everything become like this? I was supposed to have a fortunate life of having a good second chance in life...

Why did i become as someone's lover, a saintess in a cult(also having my little brother be removed...), and a demon king's target?

I, who was suddenly transported into this world, ask why did this unfortunate life began...

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