Chapter 7

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I was currently hiding in a dark alleyway as i heard noises from the streets.

"My Princess! I don't care even if your a guy. I swear as a prince of this kingdom, i will so oathfully love you and only you! So please come out!"

"Saintess! Saintess! We shall proclaim to protect you and no men shall ever taint your holy body! As the leader of MC(Maiden's Cult), we shall honor you of removing the filthy thing that is attached to you and reborn as a true maiden... "

"Ahahahaha! First, you got into a fight with me last night and defeated me while i was defenceless. Now, you cower in this town and pretend it never happened? I, the demon king shall not have my pride be taken away and will not stop finding you! Just you watch..."

I swear... How did this happened?

Just was i about to get done on my last patient on the day, the prince jumped out of nowhere and instantly pounced at me. Struggling to get away, i accidentally bumped into some random guy as he then began to attack me while spouting some weird nonsense.

"Hahaha! We met again brat! I hope you'll get a taste of what you did to me last night."

Ehhh.... What?

I mean... We just met and all. And i clearly don't remember you at all...

Without realizing behind my back, the prince began to glare at the man with pure bloodlust.

"How can a demon be inside the town?! Don't worry my princess! I shall slay this demon and use his head as proof of our marriage!"


"Kekeke, a man who seems to weild incredible amount of mana inside him and a girl who can pulverized my armor which is normally impossible to break by physical means. Interesting..."

Eh? Eh?!

"Saintress! I shall remove that vile abomination that is attached to your private place! "

Not regaining my mind after so much shock in just a day, an object quickly passed through below my lower body as the clothed crotch area of my pants had been cut off.

Almost losing my lil bro, i fell on my butt in fear as a woman clicked her tongue off.

"Curses! Just a bit more and Saintress would become a true maiden..."

"Haah... Haah..."

I covered by crotched as all the guys in the vicinity followed suit....


And i ran away...


Its been an hour since they began persuit as i grab a nearby mask and covered my face off. Hiding in a dark alley as i look outside to the people looking for me. I sighed to them and started to walk in the opposite direction.



I didn't look ahead to where i was going as i bumped into a girl without noticing ahead of me. I didn't know why but i feel as if i had hit a hard wall as my mask fell off and i look and saw a muscular person wearing a frilly outfit.

"I-i'm sorry miss!"

I quickly apologize and added a gentlemanly tone as i give a bow to the person in front. If you are wondering why i called the muscular woman miss, its because i could care less off what reason they wear something like that but since i'm used to some guys wearing feminine clothing(not me though), i should respect their choice of clothing or gender.


As i leave since the people might know where i am, i was stopped and dragged away by the muscular man...


"Um... So..."

Right now, i am currently at some bakeshop whike sipping on some tea while Cecilia(muscular man). At first i got flustered knowing that he was a she, but since she also understand that i'm a guy as well, we got along really well(appearance wise).

But since we just met and all, i(who lacks certain conversation with women) and Cecilia(whom never had a proper and normal conversation with some) are currently at a loss to what to say until someone steps in while we are just staring at each other.

"Hey girl, wanna hang out with us?"

Three rough men decided to disturbed us while i had a ugly look on my face. Cecilia became flustered at the development as the boss grabbed my hand.

"Com'on, who would hang out with sone man just wearing some frilly outfit that isn't suited to him. Hehehe. Look, he understands that it doesn't suit him."

His gang began to laugh at Cecilia's dark look as i began to ooze killing intent. I used my free hand to grab hold as a snapping sound was heard.


"Listen here, you should give respect to women you piece of sht. Got that? Also, i'm a guy by the way."


The boss became shocked about the last part as i gave a seductive smile and toss him out. Luckily, since the bakeshop we were staying at has an outdoor terrace, nothing got broken except that guy's wrist. His lackeys became enrage that i toss their boss but they stopped their tracks as they saw my look. They silently nodded quickly as they understand and dragged their boss away with them.

'It looks like i'll have trouble with them later' i thought as i saw them walk away.

I stared back at Cecilia as she had a surpised face yet gave a proper smile as she saw me starting at her. I scratched my head in embarrassment. The store kept apologizing at the costumers as we bow our heads as well for the trouble we caused.

As the sun began to set, i called out to Cecilia as she began to apologized at me.

"I'm sorry!"

"Uh... What are you apologizing for?"

I tilted my head in confusion as she began to look down on my pants.

"Um, it seems you had a ripped pants right between your legs and i was wondering if you noticed it."

It seems that the man's wrist wasn't the only thing thats broken right now...

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