Chapter 5

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Its already been a week since i was somehow transmigrated into this world and its kinda been hard yet fufilling since i had fun staying in this town.



I'm currently treating the people at the western side of the town since this was more lean to adventurers as they had a stall where people would buy monster materials, a blacksmith to repair their weapons and the adventurers guild.

The man i'm treating right now has a scar on his face as i begin to remove that scar and give him a mirror to check his looks.

"Wow, i didn't think healing magic could be this good. Thanks missy."

"Your welcome and its not missy. I'm a guy."


The man had a surprised look as i wave him away to treat my next paitient. I began to earn money by healing people in the morning as i go on adventuring in the afternoon. I plan on living my life peacefully and safely since i don't want to get any trouble like in my old world.

As the man payed his fees and walked out while still having a dumbed look, the next patient was a robed man while i could see some well-tailored dress from inside his robe. Must be a noble somewhere.

"Welcome. What is your symptoms-"


While putting on my business smile, my hand was suddenly been grabbed as the hood was taken off and i was shock to see who it was.


"Yes! Its me!"

The prince felt joyful when i recognized him. But i can't believe it. Robert said that the they were currently heading home and it took a week for them to arrive. But if he's here...

"Why are you here?"


The prince still hold my hand and went silent after i questioned him. But i was still confused as to why was he still here. Was there something he forgot here that would make him stay?


"Arcadia, i love you..."


... What? [Author's Notes:...What?]

"Since the first time i met you. I think your beauty had stole my heart. When i hear you voice, it made me relax and forget all the stress i had that night. Even when you help that man's wife and didn't even try to ask for gratitude like a saint...i couldn't try to even forget that glimpse of your kindness... Forget the last one..."

"Wait, since when were you stalking me?"

"...*Cough* a prince tends to keep secrets to even his close aids..."

.........I couldn't even.......

"You do know that i'm..."

"Yes! How painful it is and oh so suffering when i knew that you were male but..."

No buts! You wanna be gay?! Be gay then! Just don't involve me in your sick fantasy! I'm a straight dude for christ sake!

As i slowly try to brake free of his grasped, suddenly, his mind became flooded with thoughts as he began to grew a wicked smile at me.

"Maybe we can find an alchemist to make a potion to change your gender! Or, how about to make my father approve of the law of marrying the same sex! There are infinite possibilities for us to be together you know!"




"I'm very sorry for our highness. I couldn't believe he tried to proposed to you while you were busy with work."


"I'll tell the king about his son's actions. I'm sure that maybe we can tell that he also won't approve what the prince did."


"Well, off we go..."



Oh god... Please stop. I am really a straight guy for fks sake!

As Robert came to take back the prince home, i could finally let my ass relaxed. I've been holding it as long as i can since i was very afraid of the prince would do to me. I didn't want to get involve in anymore of this chaos and it was too late to restart my work due to the prince's intervention as people began to make rumors about me.

I began to pack my stuff as i begin to head to the adventurers guild when a young woman came to me.

"Um... Could you follow me?"


I was unsure why she called me out of the blue but when i agreed to her, she let out a relaxed expression as a smile appeared on her face. I decided to willing follow her and not because she was cute okay!


We arrived at a dark alleyway as i regret my decision. Then, she heads into a wooden door as she begins to knock the door. A slide door where a pair of eyes popped out as she begins to inspect both of us.

"I have come and brought the Saintess."

"Eh? Wha-"

Before i know what was going on, my sight turned dark as a smell of something sweet was brought to my nose. Everything became dizzy as i had lost consciousness...


I regained consciousness as the first thing i woke up upon was that i was sitted at a chair somewhere. There, i saw a beautiful woman was pressed on my face as i couldn't help but blush due to being so close to my face. As i tried to move but it seems i was bounded by metal shackles.


"I see that your awake my saintess!"

When she saw me regain consciousness, she slowly separates from me as i could see that she was wearing black robes but couldn't hide her bountiful assets that were leaking from her clothing.

Behind her were a group of robe people who seem to be women as the woman pulled something from a table.

"Now, time to remove that disgusting thing is currently attached in the middle of the saintess's legs!"

..........................Uhh.... what?

As i could finally saw what she was holding, it was a pair of huge scissors that i can see in my old world where it was mainly used to cut off grass. But what she held and her gazed was right at my crotch.

"Is it...."

"The only thing thats keeping you from becoming a true maiden."


I quickly broke free of my shackles and sprint like my life was at stake...

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