Chapter 12

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"Damn... I still last for just 15 seconds in your enhanced form..."

It was in the early morning and i lost strength of my body as the exhaustion of fighting this Boxking. Since it doesn't have a name yet so i decided to call him Mox.

Its been a week since i met this Boxking at the forest and is currently following me due to knowing my potential after fighting. Cecilia was still wary about Mox since i almost died fighting him but after a few convincing(mostly begging) talk, she finally agreed to let him follow us.

"So, i tend to leave too many openings and rely mostly on my strength? Oh, i should learn physical enhancement as well?"


Even though Mox can't speak, it seems he can understand and even give me pointers about my skills and fighting style through his actions. Thinking about all this was something i deeply think about.

After arriving in this world, all i faught where monsters and that certain demon lord. They usually faught without techniques and rely mostly on their powers while i've doing the same yet i had the advantage due to my durability and strength exceeding theirs.

So, when i faught against Mox, not only did i lose in the strength, i also lost in technique and using magic to enhance my body. Well, all i learned was healing magic(mostly how to apply medical care). But since i've been taught by him, i should use this opportunity since i might encounter someone the same as Mox or even stronger.

"Anyways, how about we go have some breakfast. Since Cecilia is asleep, i should do the cooking i guess."


(Cecilia's POV)


The sun rises as i stretch my arms, bending my body side to side to remove any stiff parts around my body. I begin dressing up and head downstairs as i heard someone talking at the kitchen.

"Wow... I never knew you can cook before."

"Well, it would be a waste to cook food if you have someone else who can do it you know."

I arrived at the kitchen to see the owner's daughter of this inn, Seri, Mox and Arcadia. Seri was fawning over the dish Arc was making while Mox began to drool over the food.

"And... Done."

After finishing, Arc place the dish onto the plate and put it on the table while Seri and Mox stare at it with an amazed expression.

It had a lovely design of a perfectly cooked scrambled egg with some meat chunks cut into small pieces while having vegetables as cover. He began to roll them into the cabbage leaf and cut it into seperate pieces.

"Seri, Mox... And you Cecilia. How about trying this?"


'He notice me?'

"Have a bite."

He gave a natural smile as Seri and Mox quickly took a piece each. They bit the food and felt entranced at each bite until they ate it all.


Having my stomach growled, i decided to accept his offer and took a slice. After taking a bite...

"Its good."

"Really? I'm glad."

Having a warm smile combined with his look, i gave a weak punch at Arcadia while feeling defeated.

"Your looks are like the enemy of women you know?"


He gave a dejected look before taking a bite.

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