Chapter 8

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Currently, i'm staying at Cecilia's place as she said that she'll sew my pants. I felt depressed since there was no spare pants i was carrying right now and her family only have girls, so i'm currently wearing a skirt which is kinda breezy.

"Tch. Not only your face is beautiful, your body is also a work of art as well..."

In front of me was her sister Jessica. Unlike her sister, she carries more of a feminine outlook yet has a tomboyish mentality. She continues to observe me while feeling dissatisfied as she confinues to gaze at me.

"Sheesh, talk about having the ideal body for a girl... Are you sure your a guy?"

"Well, you can't complain when your sister has more male genes than me..."

We both stared at the kitchen as a muscular person was preparing dinner. Even though she had a feminine trait and is a proper adolescent girl, she had a body frame which doesn't fit with her personality or gender to say at the least...

Jessica felt a bit sadden about this as she stared back towards me.

"I say. Both of you have the same gender issues yet feel like your far too different to each other you know?"

"Yeah, i can feel she's someone whose kindess knows no bounds even when people began bullying because of her looks. But i can also see that she's suffering since people doesn't accept her for who she is because of that as well."


I explained that we had some common gender issues which we couldn't accept yet Cecilia's willpower exceeds my own. Yet, that willpower will soon fade if she is faced the harshness of reality of her looks. She knows this too well but tries to bury that and continue her life.

Jessica felt a bit uncomfortable with my words as she felt worried about me.


"Com'on guys! Dinner's done."

Cecilia call both of us i stood up before Jessica. I looked at her with a smile.

"That one day won't exist and i can assure you that she will find her happiness."

Jessica felt suprised at my words as i head to the table and sat down with Cecilia.



I stood in the distance as i met with a person who was a demon. His violet haired swayed in the wind as he had a grin on his face.

"Kekeke, i had sealed both of us in a barrier since i don't want you to run away again."

"... Tell me, have we even met before?"

I was still confused as to why he wants to fight with me but since he might attack me if i'm with them, i better battle this one out. I'm still restless since i didn't know how strong he was but i need to at least protect them.

"Foolish human who thinks he had won last time, i won't make the same mistake again."


Blue light began to swirl around him as i felt this was gonna be bad. He smiled as all the energy he gathered and transforming it into a giant ball of black light.

"Try dodging this!"

He tossed that ball towards me. I couldn't dodge that and went to block that blow with my bare body as i was engulfed in darkness.


"Hahaha. Taste that btch!"

He began to gloat of his victory as the dust began to fade as a black shadow was standing. The demon felt shocked that his attack failed.

"What?! H-how can he..."

"Haah... Haah..."

'It hurts...' My body began to ache with intense pain as it was struggling to move. The demon king was still surprised yet notices my worn out body as a grin appeared on his face.

"Hehehe.... It seems that you witstood that blow that humans would turn to dust. But this-"

The demon king's monologue was cut off as i disappeared from his sight as i threw a punch through his stomach. The demon king bends in a V-shape as he flew away, crashing multiple trees in the process. He spew blood due to the crash and began to convulse before passing out, having white in his eyes.

I wipe out the blood on my lips as i felt tired what had happened. His power was really a real deal of a powerful person which no normal humans could contend. I decided to leave him as i carried my deadbeat body towards the town...


"Ugh... It really hurts..."

The guard whom i tend to meet every morning went shocked as i was walking in a injured and half-naked state due to the fight.

"O-oi! You aright?!"

"Yeah, hahaha. Can you carry me again?"


He sighed in resignment as he gave me a piggyback ride while i rest my body in his back. As i got carried back to my inn, in my eyes, i saw a huge person having a bloodied body while crying for help.

" Help.... My...."


I quickly get off the guard's back as i ran towards her in desperation. As she saw me, she felt a bit relaxed before falling unconscious.

I quickly catch the huge body of hers as the pain of the battle greatly affects my body. I began to spew out blood... Yet...

'Her wounds are mostly outside and she has quite a doze of poison swimming around her body. I... Can cure this!'

Ignoring my worn out body as i performed a quickly and risky operation as i began to quickly sweat in great lengths and blood both oozing in my nose and mouth. I was really worn out and my body is crying out in pain but i endure that to save this person.


"Haaah.... Haaah..."

"O-oi! That person is fine now. Stop and let the other healers take the rest!"

Its been about 20 mins since i began to operate Cecilia as her breathing's calming down. I began to heal myself as the pain which was crying began to rest. I remember Cecilia's desperation as i stood up and picked up the thing she was carrying. The guard notices what i was holding and was speechless.

"Is that... Count Gert's insignia?!"


"... Thanks. Thats what i want to hear..."

I began to walk as the guard called out to me with desperation.

"W-wait! The Count is a powerful noble in town and your gravely injured right now. Please rest!"


I stopped my tracks as i listened to the guard's words. I turned back to him as i smiled.

"I know. I'm going to go ask a dear friend of mine to take care of it instead."


The guy felt relieved yet still worried about me as i headed into the alleyways.

"[Psyku]. You know what to do..."

[Hehehe... Certainly...]

I closed my eyes and when i opened them, the blue sky eyes turned crimson red...

My Unfortunate Tales at Another Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें