Chapter 14

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I have been saved twice my Arc since the time i met him. If you count the time where he transform me from a muscle looking girl into a beautiful woman, its like i owe one more favor from him.

Though, he's kind enough to disregard what he had done, i can't help that it was something i couldn't repay him back. It was like he was heaven sent angel that came from the heavens(and he looks the part as well).

Now, currently the angel whom i talk about is currently panting in horror as if he almost saw death.


Suddenly, his eyes changed to purple as he look like a different person. He usually acts all emotion-like, now its like what happened today but this time, he's more collected and mannered.

"Apologies Miss Cecilia. My name is Mask and i'm one of Arcadia's personas."

"Umm... Hello."

This gave me a surprised as even though it was Arc, he's more polite and formal when he introduce himself....

"Wait, personas?"

"Yes, He(We) contain a split personality traits and you can tell the difference by looking us in our eyes."

Him, having a different eye color than his usual blue eyes, Arcadia's Persona(Mask) judge my reaction as he continued.

"We usually don't come out until he ask us to help and we only have one body so we try to get along as one. By the way, are you happy with the body you aquired?"


Having guessed my reactions again, he smiled.

"Well, depending on the favors you owe, it could be split into three. Psyku being the one who saved your sister, me who remodeled you and Arc, who saved you twice now."

"Wait, who is psyku?"

As i said that, he pause for a second before he shuddered again but this time, his eyes turned red.


Having his calm and collected outlook disappear, it was replaced by a evil grin on his face as he gave a twisted look at me. Its like he's more of a wild beast than the kind Arc when looking at him right now.

"Nice to meet ya Princess. Psyku here. If you want to get rough and dirty, i'm the best man for ya."

The way he's using crude and rude words with Arc's mouth kinda pisses me off but it seems he's screw loose in the head and has this dangerous feeling in his body that i'm began to tremble in fear.

"Don't worry love. Imma just bring Arc to settle you down."

Then, he suddered again before he stopped moving. But this time, its a minute now and he still isn't reponding.



Getting a bit worried about his current look, i came closer to him. Then, he started to stand up and walk pass me.



I was getting pissed off after having to experience the abnormalities of him and then ended up getting ignored, i decided to forcefully ask him. I grab hold of his hand as he shook.

"Please... Don't ignore me...."

What i didn't realised that he was acting weird(though he did show me something unbelievable like having split personalities), he turned around which had shocked me.


[OMG! Can you believe what she said? She said that she likes me! Kyaah! Its my first time that a girl like me! Kyaah!]

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